Chapter 47

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I want to thank Rachel_sunshine for leaving me such a nice comment. I read every comment and you guys want to make me write more for you guys. As you know, school started and it will be more difficult to find time to right but I will try even harder to update as soon as possible. Feel free to comment what you want to see in this story and I will most likely right smut or lemon because when I asked, almost all of you said to right it. So uh back to the story and Rachel_Sunshine, let me know if you don't want to be mentioned, I will delete your user if you want me to but I just really wanted to thank you for your nice comment and for voting on all of my chapters. Anyway, yeah, back to the story.
Nico's POV
As soon as I walked past the camp borders, I heard the horn, signaling that I was back. I didn't care. I felt numb, cold. I was in denial, I can't accept that (Y/N) died. No way and I going to accept (Y/N) died. I love her. I will always love her. I will NEVER find anyone to replace her. I love her, I want her, fuck I NEED her.

"Nico!" Hazel yelled from the bottom of the hill. The rest of the seven were there too, so was Chiron. When I reached them they all gave me a hug.

"Where is (Y/N)?" Percy asks. I look down, shaking my head. The tears slip from my eyes.

"No." he whispered. "Sh-she. B-but she can't." His voice cracked and he couldn't finish his sentence. A tear slipped down his cheek and he yells in anger. He didn't scream a word, just made a growling sound.

"My boy." Chiron put a hand on my shoulder. "Let's go to the big house, tell me what happened."

Chiron, the seven, Calypso and I were now sitting around the ping pong table. No one said anything as I explained how you died. Percy was crying into Annabeth's shoulder. Everyone else just had looks of sorrow.

"I see." Chiron said with a sad tone. " I will Iris message lord Zeus later and let him know what Hecate did. As for Lucy, she is her by banished from Camp Half-Blood and New Rome and if she shows up, she will be severely punished. I will also Iris message Reyna as well. But, their is still something I don't understand.Explain how the prophecy is tied to the turn of events. It doesn't make sense."

"What do you mean?" I asked Chiron.

"Recite the prophecy and explain it."

"Two souls bonded together, that was (Y/N) and I.
Who shall cross one with clever. That was Lucy
Tricks and spells lead to pain. Lucy tricked us and killed (Y/N)
One lost and locked in a chain
An enemy betrayed by the mother
That leads the other with no one to smother." I finish the last of the prophecy. He's right, it doesn't make sense.

"I don't know." I said. "I don't understand it either."

"The quest is not over then." Chiron replies.

"Then what am I supposed to do!?" I yelled. "Y/N is dead, gone, I felt it." I got up and ran to the Hades cabin. As soon as I closed the door I sat on my bed with my head in my knees and my arms wrapped around my legs.

"And their is nothing I can do about it." I whispered to myself in my empty cabin and cried.

Time skip, sort of. So like a time speed up almost.

A day passed and I still couldn't believe she was actually gone. I can't. Never. I'm in disbelieve. I can't stand it. The ocean was really ruff and there was a a few tsunamis here and there. Poseidon was pretty upset you could probably say.

One week has passed. They burned her shroud, it was beautiful and reminded me so much of her. It was a light sea green, like her eyes. It was decorated with wave designs and a sea green trident. The smoke smelled like the salt, just like a fresh ocean breeze, just like she smelled.I locked myself in and never left my cabin and anyone who came to check on me and bring me food, I ignored. I cried and cried and cried. Alone, just like I should and always will be. Hades kids just don't get a happy ending do they? (Hello darkness my old friend.)

One month has passed. I now miss meals times at the pavilion. I slowly stopped eating again and started losing weight. I went back to my my snappy, depressed self and blocked everyone out again, I built my walls back up. My skin lost its olive color and went back to being pale. Percy is also having a hard time. He misses her almost as much as I do. Annabeth has to force him to eat and train but he is just not himself. He doesn't crack as many jokes and he never really smiles anymore.I tried to summon her but she doesn't answer, just like Bianca. I tried with Percy, still no answer. I tried with rest of the seven, Hades I even tried with Ms. O'leary and Damion. Still nothing, she just won't talk to me. That hurt me even more.. ( If you don't remember Damion, it is the hellhound puppy Nico gave you for your birthday.) Damion is also pretty upset too. He mostly sleeps on (Y/N)'s bed in the Poseidon cabin and just stays in there all day.

Three months have passes.I could't sleep either. The nightmares are horrible. They are either of the place I will not name (he who shall not be named. Harry Potter reference. Bad timing? Okay, back to the story.) or they replay her death over and over. Others are the seven hating me because I let her die. I should have tried to save her. Saying over and over that is is my fault. It is my fault. I could have given her ambrosia or nectar if I would have just went to our book bags. Everyone has the right be be mad at me, it is just another reason why they hate me.

Six months. Her birthday came and went. Thanksgiving, Christmas, my birthday. All the fun we used to have had on those hoIidays. Valentine's day was last week. I spent it alone, numb. I cried worse and started cutting. Over the past few month, I  fell back into depression, hard, full forced. I started cutting again and I felt suicidal. I tried to kill myself on valentine's day . Percy Stopped me before I could though. As Percy says he 'Felt something wrong and came to check on me.' He walked into my cabin to catch my in the bathroom with deep cuts on my arms and a opened pill bottle in my hand, bloody razors on the floor around me and blood all over the sink . He stopped me and took me to the infirmary. They seven agreed to have someone check on me every hour or have one of them with me at all times when they found out. I passed out a few hours later from blood loss, malnutrition and lack of sleep.

Your POV
I felt the pain of my stomach as it shrinks from the lack of food. The metal chains cutting even deeper into my wrist, making them bleed even more, as I try to fight against them and escape. It was hard to breath and it only got harder and harder. Either cause of my bruised or broken ribs or something else. The cuts on my back and my ribs burned every time I coughed. Also, every time I coughed, I coughed up blood. I don't remember much. First I was fighting against monsters with Nico, something hit my head and I blacked out. Now I'm here, wherever that is. I was cold. Alone. Lost. Nico is gone. I hurt, not just from my bruised, cut and mangled body. My chest ached. They killed him. Right. In. Front. Of. Me. They stabbed him in the stomach. His eyes stayed open, glazed over. His warm, protective chest that I cuddled into was now still, dead. Gone. No. I don't give them the satisfaction they want. I don't cry. I don't scream in pain. I just stay silent, numb, gone, lost in my own head. The images replay in my mind over and over, lifeless, cold, just gone. I will never be able to hold him again, never see his smiles or hear his cheerful laugh. Never hear his beautiful voice when he sings with me or says something in Italian. Never.

The door opens, pulling me from my thoughts. They are back. Back again to torture me even more than they already have. They punch, kick and hit me with whatever they want whenever they want. I don't give them what they want. I will never give them the satisfaction of them hearing me in pain. I don't scream or yell. I don't even groan or whimper. Of course I want them to stop but I will not beg for mercy, that is what they want me to do. No tears escape my eyes, not in front of them. They finally get tired of me and leave the room. I used some pieces of my jeans and shirt sleeves to try and stop the bleeding. I'm tired. Not just physically tired but mentally as well. I'm tired of this. I just want them to kill me. They are not going to let me go. I snap.

"Just kill me!" I scream at the door. "Just kill me already! That's what you want anyway, right? Right? So just do it already!."

The door doesn't open again. They stopped giving me food but once every two days, so I can suffer with my wounds first, they give me a small glass of dirty water. That is the only thing keeping me alive so far. The water only heals a little bit of my injuries. Some are either to old, to serious or poisioned.

I pass out on the cold, hard stone floor. 'I just want it to end.'

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