Chapter 17

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Nico's POV 

(Y/N) went up to get a drink but she has not come back. I know I should not be worried but I think I am in love with her. Then my heart breaks. I hear her scream. I jump up, grab my sword and run. That's when I see the biggest hellhound I have ever seen. They are scared of Hades, so I guess it sensed me and ran away. I ran to (Y/N) who was on the ground just in time to see her pass out. She looks bad. She is pale and has deep scratches and a big bite mark. I gently pick her up and shadow travel her to the infirmary. Will took her and put her in one of the isolation rooms which means no one is aloud in there except doctors and nurses. Annabeth and Percy run though the door and I told them what happended. They sit with me outside the door until ten minutes before the harpies come out. I stay. I stay awake two nights in a row. I don't leave the infirmary and Percy drops by every hour of two to see if their is any word or update on how she is doing and brings me food. Then I am finally aloud in the room and instantly get the sense of death. You are lying on a bed, almost as pale as the sheets. Your left arm is out of the sheets, so I grab the chair that is by the desk and pull it by your bed. I grasp your hand and lean my head against the bed. No one can get me to move, no one is going to pull me away from you. I'm just wondering how a hellhound can be that big. It could be from the Fields of Punishment, but someone would have had to summon it from inside the borders. The only way to tell is to see the animal or the bite wound. I am not leaving her side, so seeing the animal is out, so I will ask to see the bite when you wakes up. The bad thing is if it is from the Fields of Punishment is it won't stop until its target is dead. If it is also, the I will have to take you to the underworld to my dad's palace because that's the only place the hound will be scared to go. The only place that you will be safe because it was invited inside the borders. And with that, I fall asleep for the first time in two days knowing that you are safe for the time being.

I stay at the infirmary for another three days. You have not woke up yet but most of your color has come back and I don't sense you dying. Percy keeps bring me food but I don't have the heart to eat it. It is lunchtime right now and he stopped in. Every time I go to sleep, I have a nightmare about you dying so I stay awake now. I am so sleep deprived and starved that I feel like I am going to pass out, which I did.

Your POV 

I wake up to the worst stomach ache in the world. My left hand is oddly a little cold and I look over to see Nico asleep holding my hand with his forehead against my bed. I slowly move my right hand and run it though his dark, silky hair. He stirs a little. "Y/N)?" he asked with a pretty attractive morning voice. "Hey" he looks up at you. He has bags under his eyes, a big contrast to his pale olive skin."You have been out for five days and all you say is 'hey'?" he asked with a playing tone. "Pretty much, and you should get some sleep. It looks like you have not slept in days." 

"That's because I haven't." he looks into your eyes. "I have been here with you and I am not leaving only to take a nap.

I move over in the bed because it is a queen size. "Then sleep here if you are not going to leave."

He looks hesitant but climbs into bed with you. I put my head on his chest. "If Percy comes in and sees this, you have to make sure he does not kill me, okay?"

"Sure whatever just get some sleep."

I fall into a deep sleep listening to Nico's strong heartbeat. 

Nico's POV 

She moves over in the bed and says "Then sleep here if you are not going to leave."

I am hesitant at first but give in and climb into the bed. She places her head on my chest over my heart. I was about to wrap my arm around her waist but I remember she is injured."If Percy comes in and sees this, you have to make sure he does not kill me, okay?"

"Sure whatever just get some sleep."

That is exactly what I do. The nightmares are gone and I have to see her bite mark tomorrow. 


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