Chapter 9

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Your POV

I wake up to a pair of beautiful dark brown eyes.

"Hey, were at camp" Nico says in his angel like voice.

"Okay and what is a party demigod style?"

"You will see in four days."

"Ugh why can you tell me?"

"It will ruin the surprise now come on, Percy already took your bag to your cabin."

I get out of the van and see my home, where I grew up and made friends. More importantly my best friend and my first crush. Because of this camp, we became close. He always makes me smile, and Percy told me he has not seen him smile since he was ten before he met me.

"Hey Nico" a all but to familiar voice. And i was right. Lucy from the Hecate cabin. Everyone knows she has the biggest crush on Nico, even Nico knows and he is totally oblivious to me liking him. She also down right hates me because I am the only person Nico can stand. She even tried to kill me from food poisoning but Chiron was not at camp and Mr.D let it slide.

Nico groaned but put on a fake smile, "Hey Lucy, what's up?"

"Just wondering if you want to ditch her" She nodded her head at me. "And come hang out with me in my cabin." she smiled with fake sweetness.

"Thanks for the offer but I only came here to have a good time with her because it is her birthday soon." He smirked.

"Oh really! When is her birthday?" she asked with fake politeness.

"The 27th but we will be having her party demigod style on Friday." he had a glint in his eye.

"Oh" she smirked "I'll see you then" then she turns towards me, "Hope you have a great birthday (Y/N)" she had a glare in her eyes, but she still smiled. Then she sent one last wink to Nico and walked away.

"Well that was.."

"Yeah..." I agree.

"Hey (Y/N), Nico" we turn to see one of Piper's sisters. " We are having a truth or dare party Tursday night after the bonfire, you should come."

"Well birthday girl, do you want to go?"

"Um, sure"

"Great see you then."

Then the breakfast bell rang. Nico walked me to the pavilion and said he would meet me at the arena to practice. I got french toast, scraped some food into the fire for you dad, then ate.

I walk to the arena and find Nico slashing at some dummies.



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