Chapter 23

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Nico's POV

I was glad I showed (Y/N) Bianca. It looked like she had a good time. I just closed my door after I hugged her and all I can think about is wanting to kiss her. No, she is your best friend, she can't like you like that. I pull of my shirt and jeans and put on a old pair of soccer shorts. (Yes I sleep without a shirt)

I got to sleep but is not peaceful.

"You did this to me." Bianca said.

"I hate you." (Y/N) said.

"You could have saved me." said Bianca.

"How could I ever love you." said (Y/N).

Then a third person came. Hazel.

"Your an outcast. I don't love you. you are not my brother."

I could not say anything, I was stuck listening to the three people that I love rip me down. Then the dream started to change.

To a place I don't name.

I could feel the chill in my bones and the fire I drank in my throat. Monsters everywhere.

I gasp and open my eyes, then my door opens.

Your POV

I wake up to someone screaming. I open my door and realize the screaming is coming from Nico's room. I open the door just in time to hear him gasp and sit up.

"Nightmares?" he nods.

I walk over to his bed and I notice he was crying. I sit down in front of him, crossing my legs and wipe the tears from his eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask. He does not respond, he just holds out his arms for a hug. I crawl over to him and resting on my knees and hug him. It is kind of awkward because he is shirtless. Then I remember the song Bianca just taught me and start to sing.

  "Close your eyes; I know what you see
The darkness is high, and you're in ten feet deep
But we've survived more terrible monsters than sleep
And you know I will be here to tell you to breathe

I feel him start to relax.

Tu sei il mio soldatino (you're my little soldier)
La ragione per cui vivo (the reason I live)
Non ti scordar di me (don't forget me)
Io veglierò su di te (I'm watching over you)

Stumbling lost; the last choice of all that you meet
It's the cost of ruling those 'neath your feet
Paths you've crossed, and trust you're trying to keep
You're exhausted, listening for a voice that can't speak

(ma nico, mio caro)

He buries his head in the crook of my neck and hugs me tighter.

Tu sei il mio soldatino (you're my little soldier)
La ragione ho vissuto (the reason I lived)
Non ti scordar di me (don't forget me)
Io veglierò su di te (I'm watching over you)

So you run; through shadows you roam
Seams undone by the love you thought you could own
But he's just one of many that you might call home
And maybe someday, the bitter will fade from your bones

Eri il mio soldatino (you were my little soldier)
Ora un principe oscuro (now, a dark prince)
Ma anche per te, c'è una luce
(but even for you, there is a light)
Che ad un'altra vita ti conduce
(that leads you to another life)"  

He pulls me onto his lap and I wrap my legs around his waist.

"Thank you." he whispers in my ear, sending a chill down my spine.

"Anytime." I go to get up but he pulls me back in his lap.

"Will you stay with me?" Even in the dark I can see his blush.

I smile. "Sure."

He leans back in bed and hold me to his chest. Then he pulls the blanket over us. I feel his deep breath and his heartbeat. Then he falls asleep and I snuggle into his chest and his arms tighten around me. I then fall asleep snuggling with my crush.

Nico's POV

I asked (Y/N) to stay with me. She agrees. After I pull her my chest and put the blanket on us, I close my eyes and start to drift off. I feel (Y/N) snuggle into my chest and I wrap my arms tighter around her then fall into a deep sleep. For the first time in a long time, I did not have nightmares.

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