Chapter 7

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There names were Nathan, James, Brady, Zoey, Amy, and another Brigit that looks exactly like the other Brigit. Good for me.

Nico led me to the back of the class and sat beside me.

"Nathan and Brigit are twins, they are popular because they are rich. They are the 'leaders' of the freshman year and they are players. Zoey and Amy are part of Brigit's group. James is dating Zoey but they still flirt with other people. Also Brady is in Nathan's group. He says Brigit and Amy keeps asking him out.

Lucky for us Nathan sits in front of me and Brigit sits in front of Nico.

"Hey babe, you me my house at seven" Nathan said to me and winked.

"I prefer you leaving me alone because if you don't you will be on the ground crying." I growled.

"Playing hard to get I see, it's okay I like you and I know you like me, so come on babe."

"One don't ever call me babe, two i don't like you and three, if you don't leave me alone I will kick you where the sun does not shine."

He looked scared for a moment then winked at me and turned around. I looked over at Nico who was smirking at me.

Then Brigit giggled "Hey Nico Poo how 'bout I come hang at your place tonight."

"For the last time Brigit I don't like you and I never will so just leave me alone."

"But I am rich and hot and no one turns me down." she whined.

"Well I just did and if you call 'hot' wearing a ton of makeup, then I would be attracted to clowns too."

She then gasped and turned around, then our math teacher Mr.Boring came in.

Nico then turned to me and said "This is going to be a long year, but if anyone bothers you, let me know."

                                                                   Later on

All during math,reading, and science I got winks and smirks from guys and Nico got eyelash batters and phone numbers, which he threw away right in front of the girls.

Then it was time for swimming which means I would be alone in the locker room until Percy got out from the boys locker room.

I changed into my  school uniform bathing suit and looked around the locker room. I saw no signs of Brigit, Zoey or Amy. But, I spoke to soon. Brigit came up to me and said "Nico will never like you, your to ugly."

"Well thank you, now if he does date me, he will like me for my personality like a decent person. The sad thing is, is that your personality is as ugly as your face. Covered up with lies." and with that I walked away smirking while they were sending me death glares.

Percy then came out, gave me a hug and all the girls in the class gave me glares, little did they know i was his sister. We did races and the coach made me co captain while Percy was the captain of the swim team.

                                                                Now seventh period Ancient Greek

Nico and I sat in the back and of course Nathan and Brigit were in this class and sat in front of us. 

That is when the teacher came in and asked "Okay class can any of you speak greek. Nico and I raised our hands and surprisingly so did Brigit. "Miss.(Y/L/N) and Mr.Di Angelo will speak and Miss.Smith will translate, okay." We went to the front of the class and I asked "μπορεί να με καταλαβαίνετε"( can you understand me) Brigit looked so confused. I then turned to Nico and said "με φώναξε άσχημο"( she called me ugly)He said "μην ακούτε την, είσαι καταπληκτική" ( don't listen to her, you are amazing)I smiled and said "Θέλω να δοκιμάσω κάτι" ( i want to try something)"οι θεοί είναι πραγματική και ζωντανός σήμερα, ο πατέρας μου είναι ο Ποσειδώνας και του είναι Άδης. Να ελέγχουν το νερό και μπορεί να αυξήσει και να μιλήσετε με τους νεκρούς" (the gods are real and alive today, my father is Poseidon and his is Hades. I can control water and he can raise and talk to the dead) Everyone even, the teacher looked confused and Nico and I burst out laughing. Brigit was just standing there with a red facing looking MAD." Good job you two, where did you learn to speak this fluently?" Mr.Copello asked. Nico said " Our dads are greek, so they taught us." That's when Nico and I burst out laughing again. When we finally stopped laughing, Mr.Copello said that we will be learning about the greek gods and goddesses and that tomorrow we will have a pre test on what we will be learning this year.

The bell rang and we waited for Percy outside his car, then something happended.


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