Chapter 31

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Your POV

I guess I fell asleep in Nico's room. I woke up on my right side with my back to Nico's bare chest. His right arm is underneath me, wrapping around my waist and his left hand goes over me and is holding my right hand. I don't want to move but I know we have school. I look at the alarm clock and it says 9:00 am. Crap! We are going to be late. I try to get up but he has an iron grip, even in his sleep he does not want to let me go because he knows I am there. Cute. 

"Nico." I shake his shoulder.

"Hmm." he moan not opening his eyes.

"We are going to be late for school."

"Got an email at 7, we have a snow day." he mumbles and pulls me closer to him and he buries his head in my hair. "You're warm."

That is when I realize I am in a baggy shirt and underwear.

"Uhh Nico?"


"Did you change my clothes?"

"No, I fell asleep right after you when we were watching a movie. Why?"

"Because I am  in different clothes."

He lets go of me and sits up. He looks at me then at himself and blushes. He is only in his boxers.

"Uh me to." he blushes even darker.  I laugh.

"What is so funny?"

"Your face is so red."

He rolls his eyes and stands up. I try not to look at him but his back muscles contract every time he moves his arms. It is kinda hot.

"Like what ya see?" Nico smirks. He caught me looking at him.

 I roll my eyes and blush "Don't try to add to your ego." 

"You do know you don't have to be embarrassed looking at me."

"You hate people looking and touching you."

"But I only like when you do it." Then he blushes a deep red. "That came out wrong."

I shrug. I know what he meant but it is cute. He just admitted that he only likes me.

"So." I ask "How are we in different clothes if it was not me or you?"

Then it hits me. All the trying to get me to wear makeup and wear shorter shorts and crop tops. 

"Aphrodite." we both say at the same time.

I groan and roll on my stomach. The shirt goes all the way down to my thighs so it covers my butt. "She keeps trying to make me wear makeup and dress like a slut."

I hear movement and feel the bed dip down beside me.

"You are beautiful without makeup and I think it makes people look like clowns because they think a lot will make the pretty." He fake coughs. *Cough* "Brigit." *Cough* I laugh. "Also sluts are gross and once again, Brigit." I laugh again and roll over to my back to look up at him.

"Has she done anything to you?"

"She tried putting cologne on me." He already smells good to me.

"Making me wear muscle shirts and bright colors." I laugh about the bright colors.

"You would look good in a muscle shirt."

He looks at me and grins. "Good to know, but I know I have muscles on my arms and abs," I glance down at his stomach, he has a six pack. He smirks because he caught me looking. "Brigit would be all over me than before and it would be hard not to hit her, I am not aloud to hit mortal girls." I like how her said mortal GIRLS not boys. Also he is aloud to hit demigods girls for combat training at camp. We spar all the time but he wins and he even goes easy on me because he is stronger than me. I do beat most girls and even some guys at camp.

"Yeah and Nathan is getting my my nerves."

His grin leaves his face and he looks away with a dark face. I sit up and put my hand on his cheek to make him look at me. "It is not your fault, he is just a man slut. Also don't worry about me liking him because he is a pig." He smiles at me slightly with love in his eyes. I start to feel warm. He rest his hands on my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. Then we collide. He deepens the kiss and pours love into it, I do the same. He bites my lip, asking for permission. I tease and pull back from the kiss. He pouts. Then I start to kiss his neck. When I kiss the spot, he moans quietly. I smirk against his neck. "It is not nice to tease." he pouts. I bring my head back up and kiss his lips again. This time I give him permission, his tongue exploring my mouth, my hands in his hair. We both continue until we can't breath.

"I love you." he murmurs against my lips.

"I love you too." I murmur back.

He leans back on the bed and pulls me on top of him. My legs in between both of his and my head on his chest. I can feel his heart beating quickly and louder than usual. I smile and snuggle closer to him. You would think that a guy who resents touching like anyone is actually like a giant teddy bear. He loves to cuddle. We stay like this for pretty much the whole day, watching movies, drinking hot coco with nectar and snuggling. Our clothing predicament forgotten.

"Lets go somewhere." he says.

"Where?" It is almost five o'clock.

"Surprise, dress warm." Duh it is snowing and October, almost November.

I get up and went to my room. I put on grey legging and black boots but I can't find a jacket. I find a black hoodie in the back of my closet by my camp half-blood shirts. I put them in the back so mortals can't find them if they come over to the house. The thing is, it is not my hoodie. It is Nico's. He let me wear it when it was cold one night at the bonfire before we started dating. I smile at memory and slip it over my head. I walk down the stairs and find Nico in the kitchen with a picnic basket.

"Lets go."

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