Chapter 56

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I honestly had no idea what to write for this chapter so here is what my brain decided to come with. I don't really like what I have come up with but their is some fluff so I guess it's okay. Not the best thing I have come up with. BTW there will be a question at the bottom of this chapter and I need you guys to answer me in the comments. So. ya,on with the story, chapter thing. 

 Hazel's POV (bet you were not expecting that one... neither was I actually...) Btw I tried to make it sound like Hazel like not being rude or being nice and stuff. I tried.

I woke up to a thump on the floor. I know, I know. What am I doing in Nico's room. Well, the Stolls came over for a visit and destroyed my, Franks and the training room. So now, Leo is fixing them and I am staying in Nico's room and Frank is staying in Leo's. Sorry, sorry you probably don't care, ADHD right? Back to the story thing I guess.

There was my brother lying on the floor in a small pool of his own blood. I ripped off my covers and ran downstairs towards the kitchen.

"What's wrong Hazel?" Piper asks with a concerned tone. She was sitting on the couch with Annabeth.

"Where is the ambrosia and nectar?" I ask panting.

"Uh, top shelf in the far left cabinet in the island. Why?" I don't answer, which is really rude of me but this is an emergency. I quickly run to the kitchen and almost knock (Y/N) off a stool on the island. She was asleep with a pen in her hand surrounded by papers and her head was on a textbook. I really didn't want to wake her up because it would be very rude and she has not been getting very much sleep lately. I moved her leg so I could open the cabinet. I grabbed a canteen of nectar and a small bag of ambrosia and ran upstairs.

He was pale but he had a steady heartbeat. It was not strong but it was definitely there. I lifted his shirt and poured some nectar on his wound. It started closing up and I broke a small piece of ambrosia and force it down his throat. I feel pretty bad for doing that but I had to. I went to the bathroom to grab a towel and started cleaning up the blood. After a few minutes her groaned and opened his eyes.

"Nico!" I screamed and hugged him. He groaned and I pulled back. "Oh my gods! Did I hurt you? Are you okay? I'm so sorry."

"Hazel, I'm fine." He pulled me back into the hug.

"What even happened anyway?" I asked him.

"Uh well...." Blah blah you know the story. Oh sorry, that was rude of me. I'm sorry please forgive me. Btw I love your hair today, it is so pretty! What did you do with it?

Nico's POV
" Well, you need some sleep." Hazel said. 

"But.." I protested.

"No, Nico! You are going to sleep and I'm calling the cops whether you like it or not!" Hazel yelled. I don't think I've ever heard her yell. She definitely has never yelled at me before.

"Okay,okay!" Damn, my little sister can be scary. "Can I at least see (Y/N) first?" I asked, giving her my innocent puppy dog eyes.

"She downstairs sleeping. And when I come back up here you better be asleep or so help me I'll.."

"Okay okay,I get it." I cut her off and put my hands up in surrender, With my hands still up in the air, I backed out of my room. I went to the kitchen and I could feel my heartbeat speed up and I couldn't help but smile. Her hair was in a messy bun and some hair was covering her face. (If you have short hair then just some stands covering your face.) She was wearing soccer shorts and my Goode High School soccer sweatshirt that was a couple sizes to big on her and covered her hands. I'm guessing that she has had soccer practice tonight. She was asleep on a textbook and had papers sprawled out all around her.  She was just so cute and beautiful without trying.

I picked her up carefully and gently so I wouldn't wake her. I nodded towards Annabeth and Piper as I walked past the living room. I made my way back to my bedroom. I guess Hazel cleaned up my blood because it was no longer on the floor. I placed (Y/N) on my bed and climbed in beside her and pulled the blankets over both of us. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her so that her back was to my chest in a spooning position and tangled our legs. I used to absolutely hate people touching me but I absolutely love cuddling but only with you. I love how I could feel and hear your slow breaths. I love hearing and feeling your steady heartbeats that always seemed to calm me down. I love the calming smell of sea salt that reminds me of a calm walk on the beach and a warm sea breeze. I love the warmth of you skin that relaxes me. I love when we are pressed against each other because it always give me comfort. I love how my skin tingles when we touch. I also love how I only feel like this when I'm with you.

(Y/N) lightly shifts in my arms and presses her back closer into my chest. I smile and wrap my arms tighter around her. I press a kiss to her hairline. 

"Mmm." She mumbled. "Nico." She was mostly asleep but a little awake. (That makes no sense whatsoever.) It was adorable how she muttered my name and I pressed another gentle kiss to her hairline.

"Shh baby. It's okay. Go back to sleep." I listened focused on the warmth from her body. I closed my eyes and eventually,my breaths slowed and matched hers.

Well guys I asked in a previous chapter if I should write smut and most of you said yes. I might make the next chapter a smut but I want to ask you guys if I should. So, should I? Put your answer in the comments below please.

Thank you


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