Chapter 57

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Hey readers! Sorry I have not updated in a while. I'm running out of ideas and I have been having a rough time lately but I'm okay now. I feel bad for practically abandoning this story for months but I'm back and I will try to update as much as possible  because of school. Christmas break is soon and I have an idea for a Christmas chapter that I hope you'll be happy with. Anyway, I'm really sorry about updating again and here is the chapter I guess.

Your POV
I woke up to the sun shining on my face in a heap soft black sheets tangled around my legs. 'Nico!' I thought. I rolled over and expected to see Nico's relaxed, sleeping face laying beside me. His dark hair covering his closed eyes. His soft olive skin glowing from the morning sun making his long eye lashes cast shadows across his sharp cheeks bones. I expected to see his eye lids flutter open and show me his dark, warm brown eyes when he felt me stir. To see his sleepy smile when he saw me, showing off his adorable dimples. To have him say 'Good morning.' With his low, husky morning voice that I love.

Instead, I saw an empty bed. I felt a pain in my chest. I rolled over on my stomach to his side of the bed, where he used to lay.  I wrap my arms around his pillow and bury my face into it. I took a deep breath, his intoxicating scent was still there. The memories of us came flooding back. Us smiling, laughing, goofing off, cuddling, kissing. I felt the tear in the corners of my eyes and I sat back up and the tears escaped and ran down my face. I hugged my knees to my chest an started sobbing. I was so focused on crying that I didn't sense the other presence in the room.

I felt the bed dip down. I thought it was Hazel. Maybe she left something in here or she heard me cry. I felt two warm, strong arms wrap around me. They felt so familiar, I wanted to bad to believe it was Nico but I know it couldn't be. He was gone. Missing. Gone without a trace, without a note, or even goodbye. I didn't want to look up at the person.I sobbed harder and the arms tightened around me. They pulled me onto their lap and pulled me into a warm, muscled chest. I wanted to cry harder. I just want him back. I don't care if I am acting selfish or the usual preppy girls who cry over the popular jock who dumps her. He's saved me. He's save me from monsters, awful people, even saved me from myself. He's the only one I've really trusted fully. I love him. I could never love anyone like I love him. I hugged myself tighter and tried to steady my breathing. I tried to stop the tears but they just kept flowing.

The strong arms unwrapped from my waist and started rubbing up and down my arms. The movement sent tingles through my body. The hands moved back down my arms and grasped my hands, lacing my fingers with theirs. They gently pried my hands from my face ans squeezed them a few times. A few minutes later, after I calmed down a bit, dropped my hands onto the bed softly and rubbed his thumbs across my cheeks, drying the tears. I refused to look up at his face. I didn't want to give my hopes up. The hands then cupped my chin and made me look at them. I thought they were going to be the sea green eyes that mirror my own and black tousled hair of my brother. But, I was met with deep brown eyes full of concern, olive skin and 'emo hair.' (I'm sorry, I had to.) I could feel my eyes widen and a small, sad smile made its way on his face. I brought up my hand and started to trace his jawline, the his cheek bone, trying to convince myself that he was actually here, actually in front of me. My hand finally stopped and rested on his cheek. He sighed, closing his eyes, and leaned into my touch.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He whispered. I couldn't take it anymore. I smashed my lips to his and he quickly responded. It started soft and sweet, pouring our emotions of sadness and longing into the kiss. Then it grew rougher and more passionate. I tangled my hands in his soft  hair and his hands went on my waist.He licked my lip, wanting entrance. I teased him and denied it. He sucked on my bottom lip and tugged on it gently, almost begging me. I denied it again. He then squeezed my butt, making me gasp. He took that opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. We fought for dominance but I eventually let him win. We both pulled back, needing air. He placed a kiss on my neck and my forehead, a sweet gesture. He gave me a toothy grin and I couldn't help but giggle.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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