Chapter 42

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Nico's POV
Now you would probably expect a long lost friend to sit down and talk with you on why he has been missing for months, like he fell off the Earth with no trace of them, with no contact or heads ups whats so ever. Also, that he brought home a thousand year old Titan. And especially after he heard my entire conversation with Bridgit and admitted that I loved my best friend.( he does not know we started dating) But no, this is Leo we are talking about. His idea of a 'welcome home' party is cranking up the volume of every stereo in the house,hacking the school's firewall and sending a text to every student about a party at our house, and opening the door for random teenagers off the street to waltz on in.

In the next hour, the house was filled with screaming and dancing and the front and backyards were filled with drunk hormonal teenagers making out. Did I say drunk? Some of the seniors decided to bring their Dads' stash of alcohol and invite over some wasted frat guys. (if you don't know what a frat guy is, it is guys from collage. Just in case.)

The rest of the seven and others that live here, were very confused and slightly angry until they came down stairs and hear the chanting of 'Hot stuff Leo Mcshizzle  Valdez' and the Latino elf people surfing around our living room.

"Hey Beauty Queen! What's up?", he yelled, grinning, over the noise like it wasn't a huge deal he just showed up out of nowhere. The he disappeared underneath the staircase with a very angry but very happy daughter of Aphrodite hot on his heels sceaming, "Valdez!"

We knew these kids were not leaving very soon, so, I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and led her over to the couch where a game of truth or dare was going on with a couple of our friends from school.

                                                                 List of friends( are all mortal bestfriends)                                                      Kira Smith- brown hair, blue eyes, kinda pretty, dating Jordan, also on the girls soccer team
Jordan- Brown hair, brown eyes, average height and attractiveness, dating Kira
James-  Blonde hair, pale blue eyes, kinda tall, has a crush on Sarah and (Y/N) (only Jordon knows this but is kinda obvious if you think about it) is on boys soccer team
Sarah- dark brown hair, hazel eyes, tiny, kinda girly, has a crush on James (obvious to everyone except James)
There we a couple of calm dares like seven minutes in heaven  (Kira and Jordon) and and push a random person down the stairs,ect.. But, shall the fates have to rise up out of the ground and fuck me up the ass. The two siblings join and happen to have a couple bottles of beer. Bridgit and Nathan.

Just the usual game of dare or dare because truth or dare is to boring, a group of friends and two people that will try to do anything to spit up Nico and I because they like us. I'm practically getting used to this. I'm probably not even used to random monster attacks yet more than I am this. It starts off pretty easy when Bridgit dares me to sing along to 'One Call Away by Charlie Puth.' It totally back fired in her face because I guess I'm a pretty good singing and it is like Nico and my 'relationship' song because it reminds us of how we were always there for each other for years, even before we started dating. I dared Bridgit to clean off all her makeup. She was in the bathroom for so long, I though I busted one of the pipes and drown her in there.But she came back with a smug look on her face but looked like a different person. She dared Nico to take off his shirt for the rest of the game. He did it but hated the attention he got from it because of everyone staring at his noticeable scars. I could not help but burst out into laughing when I heard his dare for Nathan and how red Nathan's face got. He had to take off his underwear , ring the doorbell and give his underwear to this cranky old man that lives a block from here. I'm not going to go into much detail on that but he hit where the sun does not shine with the old man's cane.

When we got back to the house, Nathan popped open a beer and I swear I saw him drop something into the bottle but I blamed it on my imagination. He waited a couple minutes either deciding on a dare for someone or waiting for the pain to die down and get feeling back. He swished the beer around, leaned forward and stuck the bottle out to me. "I dare you to drink the entire bottle by the end of the game." I took the bottle and took a swig. It wouldn't be the first or last time Iv'e had a form of alcohol. Nico didn't look to happy about it and I know Percy would flip if he heard about this.It tasted a little funny but a dare is a dare. I finished it by the end of the game with some crappy dares like 'I dare you to show us your shark bite and some other dares that were more like truth questions. I dare you to tell us this...blah blah blah.

A good twenty minutes later and I started to feel weird. Like really weird. I got really hype, like I just drank a six pack of soda and ate a bunch of candy. I thought it was my ADHD getting out of whack. I also got really really happy. All I wanted to do was dance. I started to twirl around and screaming 'Weeee' as I spun around. Then I got kinda dizzy and I accidentally bumped into someone. It was Nathan. 

"Heeeeyyyy Naathaan." I said really happy. That was not me. Why would I say that? Snap out of it.

"Hey beautiful." I giggled. Since when do I giggle? I NEVER giggle. Only if it is Nico and that's only if he says something stupid or really cute, or both.. I should be pounding Nathan's face in right now.

"I feel sooooo happy."

He winked. "That's because I put something very special in your drink." He stepped closer. "Say." He put a hand on my neck and whispered in my ear."Why don't we go upstairs." He put his other hand on my waist and pulled me closer. "And go have so fun."

"Nooooooooooo. I wanna stay here." I whined like a child. Then Nico came up and made Nathan leave.

"Heeeeeeyyyy Neeeeeekss! You should totally dance with me." I started twirling around again."Weeeeee."

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I giggle again. "Yes silly. I feel great." I stopped twirling. "You should dance with me." 

"Are you sure?" He grabbed my face with his hands and made me sit on the couch. "Your eyes are glazed and are unfocused."

"I feel great!" I stood up on the couch to go dance some more and got really dizzy with dark spots in my vision.
"Actually." My voice when from normal to mumbling with each word I said next. "I don't feel very good.." Nico caught me before I fell and I passed out.

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