Chapter 44

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Your POV
Darkness. Black. Cold. Pain. I had no idea where I was. Did I die? What happened? Where's Nico? Is he okay? One moment I was fighting against monsters and the neck,blank. I have no idea what happened.

I should probably tell you what I'm talking about, shouldn't I? I should? Well sorry, I'm a blonde. (I'm blonde in real life, no offence to other blondes.) Here goes, you asked for it, I'm telling how it goes but it might be a little boring.

It all started with one question. Yes, just ONE question changed my fate and do you now what pathetic, innocent question that was?

"Hey Y/N, can you show this new camper around?" Chiron asked me. And me being me, the nice girl who helps out people in her spare time happily agrees to the old centaur.

The new camper was a little girl, no less than seven or eight with long black hair and dark hazel eyes with a slight purple hue. She looked innocently and really cute, just like any other small child but I knew something didn't feel right but I just picked up my shovel and dug myself into this mess.

I stuck out my hand. "Hi, my name is Y/N. What's yours?"

She smiled sweetly and shook my hand. "My name is Samara." (The ring reference.)

As soon as Chiron's wheelchair left our sight, she dropped he little act and smile at me wickedly.

"You made the wrong decision." She grabbed my wrist and yanked me down,with more force than she should be capable of, so we were almost at eye level. "You don't have much time left." She giggled and walked calmly away, leaving me in front of the big house with only my thoughts. What did she mean?

Then the screams started. At first I thought it was a monster, you know, like a normal thing for a demigod, but no, the fates just really hate me.

It was two girls from the Apollo cabin and Rachel. They were on the ground, holding their ears, screaming in terror. A crowd started to form around them but everyone was to shocked to do anything. One the the Apollo girls, Tana, she was a really good friend of mine. I reached out to her, to try to comfort her and as soon as my hand made contact with her shoulder, the all three of them stopped screaming and froze. They all stood up and faced me. They all opened their mouths and green mist wrapped around Rachel and I.

"Two souls bonded together,
Who shall cross one with clever
Tricks and spells lead to pain
One lost and locked in a chain
An enemy betrayed by the mother
That leads the other with no one to smother."

As soon as they say the last word, they collapse and out of the corner of my eye is Samara across the green, smirking, directly at me.

Time skip cause this is going to be a longer chapter...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Chiron called a head councillor meeting. ( I'm there to because of the whole 'were gonna freak you out and now you are part of the great prophecy' thing. I'm pretty sure you inferenced that but I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

Everyone in the room was either to scared to get semi-close to me or was giving my pitiful looks. Percy was sitting on my right side with Annabeth on the other side of him, giving Chiron nervous glances and him returning them like they knew what each other were trying to say. Nico was on the left with his left arm wrapped around my shoulders and his right hand was covering my two shaking ones on my lap. Percy, Annabeth and Nico keeps asking about details and trying and hoping to see if their was any possible way that I was not part of this prophecy. Then Lucy joins in and says some bullshit comments saying, "Well when she goes and dies, at least the rest of us at camp will be safe. There is really nothing to lose here." and some other ones. I space out and stare at the net that divides the ping pong table in front of me while Ted and Lucy start 'fighting over my well- being.' I finally got sick of it and just stood up and walked out of the big house and sat on the end of the deck that led from the Poseidon cabin to the lake. ( like the movie when Percy found out Poseidon was his dad. The book is way better than the movie in my opinon.)

I just sat there, staring my reflection or the misshapen circle where the light is reflecting off the waters' surface. All I could think about was way Samara looked at me, the way Rachel and the girls recited the prophecy, the scared and worried glances from the other campers, the prophecy itself. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice the small figure approach behind me.
"You might want to say your goodbyes." A voice whispered chillingly in my ear. Then again says, "You don't have much time left."

I could hear her footsteps receding as she walked off the wooden deck. I groan-screamed in anger and confusion and dove into the water. I sat at the bottom of the lake for hours trying to come up with some answers for who know what anymore but to no avail, I had nothing. Even in the water, which usually helps me think better when I'm am stuck in a deep and difficult thought, but it didn't work this time.

I got out of the water and willed myself dry, except for my hair, so it helped me stay calm and I still have a slight chance with coming up with at least one answer. It was already dinner time because it was almost dusk and I could hear all the chattering voices coming from the pavilion. When I was about to walk in, Chiron stopped me.

"My dear child. I wish you luck and your safety as long as your companion." He nodded at Nico, who was sitting at the Poseidon table, talking with Percy and the six other seven sending nervous glances to Percy and Nico. "You will leave tomorrow before sunrise.

"Thank you Chiron." I hug him and walk to my table. As soon as everyone sees me, they stop talking and put on fake smiles. "Hey Y/N." they all say together. 

"I know what you guys were talking about." I mutter. "You don't have to pretend like I don't know."

They all stay quiet and didn't have to ask me where I was the whole afternoon. My wet hair says it all and they all know that water help Percy and I to think and calm down.

Time skip through and awfully silent dinner..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"Do you want to stay at my cabin tonight?" Nico asks as we walk to our cabins, skipping the bonfire so we can pack.

I shake my head. "I think I'm going to stay in my cabin tonight so I can say bye to Percy."

He nods and we walk to my cabin. "If you wake up from a nightmare, feel free to come by. I'll leave the door unlocked." He kisses me sweetly and starts to head back to his cabin.

Another time skip, I just thought you wanted to read some kind of fluff right there......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

After packing and a really long conversation with Annabeth and Percy, I finally go to sleep. But I wake up from the same nightmare that has been waking me up, replaying over and over again and the sobbing screams that come from the boy who is crying over dead girl's body. I end up sneaking back over to Nico's cabin but this time, I'm in tears. I don't really know why I am crying but I can't seem to stop either.

"C'mere." Nico says after when I enter his cabin and lock it behind me. I sit on his lap and wrap my legs around his waist and cry into his neck.

"Shhhh Babe it was just a dream.Baby, you're okay." He rocks me back and forth comforting me. I finally life my head from his neck and he whips the tears from my eyes with his thumbs. Then he kissed me, sweetly, it's not demanding at first. It was meant to be to calm me down and let me know that he is here for me but we both wanted more. I instantly kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck and tangle my fingers in his hair. He bites my lips gently and runs his tongue across my bottom lip, asking me for entrance. I parted my lips and he explored my mouth while getting out from under me and pushing me against his bed. I remove my hands from his hair and move them down slowly from his arms, down his waist and start tracing his abs, muscles and scars. I smirked when he shivered.

"Two can play at the game." he whispered dangerously in my ear and nibbles my earlobe. He took my hands, intertwines our fingers, and pinned them above my head and started kissing my neck. I shiver and I feel him smirk against my neck.I struggle to remove my hands from his grasp but it has no effect, he is to strong for me. He moved down my neck to my collarbone, licking and sucking and lightly biting. I try to suppress a moan but a light, quiet one escapes my lips anyway.

Nico chuckles, sending warm air to my collarbone and neck.
"Payback is a bitch isn't it?" Nico says in a low voice.

"I swear to gods Nico, if you gave me a hickey and Percy sees, he'll kill you."

Nico laughs again, gets off me, pulls me on top of his chest and cuddles me. "Just making sure people know that you are mine." he says then kisses my cheek. "Now get some sleep. Sweet dreams."

time skip unless you wanna read about walking around in the woods for almost two weeks, killing easy monsters, blah blah, blah normal stuff, right? NO. Of course not.

We haven't see any sign of monsters for about 12 hours so we decided to take a break and set up camp. It is pitch black in the middle of a forest who knows where. Nico took watch last time so now it's my turn. About an hour or two into my watch, I hear a twig snap from somewhere behind Nico. He is still asleep with his back against a tree. I would feel really bad waking him up over one monster because he hasn't gotten much sleep recently, he's been keeping watch more often. So, I grabbed my sword and quietly walked in the direction of the noise. The dry leaves a couple feet in front of crinkled and started moving behind me. I turned in circles trying to keep the noise in front of me so my back was not exposed to an attack. Then it came. A girl jumped out from my right arm, trying to grab my sword of my arm trying to disarm me. I stepped aside and hooked my foot around hers so she would fall. I stood above her with my sword under my neck. I was shocked, I couldn't say anything.

It was............................ 


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