Chapter 33

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Nico's POV

I thought I was going to wake up with my beautiful girlfriend and spend a nice relaxing day with her. Nope, that's not going to happen. I wake up to Percy banging on my door and yelling that we have to go to camp. Why would we have to go to camp? (Y/N) was not in my room because she always wakes up before me. I get dressed quickly and rush downstairs to find the rest of they seven (not Leo) and (Y/N).

"Why do we have to go to camp?" I ask.

"Chiron IMed Percy and said something was wrong and we had to go to camp, fast." (Y/N) said.

"Oh and I hope you guys are not scared of heights because the fastest way to camp is by pegasus." Percy said smirking.

On the beach waiting on us was Blackjack, Caspian(if you don't remember, your pegasus),  Arion, and Temptest Percy and Annabeth get on Blackjack, Hazel and Frank on Arion, Piper and Jason on Temptest and (Y/N) and I are on Caspian.

Time skip

As soon as we land, we all head to the big house to talk to Chiron. I wonder what is going on.

"Ah my young heroes." Chiron greets us.

"Why did you need us here?" Annabeth asks.

Chiron's face darkens. "The fleece was stolen and we need it found and returned,"

"So, another quest?" Percy asks.

"I am afraid so. If it is not returned, the borders will weaken and fade away. One of you will get the prophecy from Rachel. Everyone else has tried but failed and I have a feeling it is one of you guys."

"It's always us." Percy says.

Chiron just nods and smiles.

Time skip

Your POV

Frank, Hazel Piper and Jason all met with Rachel and none of them got the quest. Percy and Annabeth are going after they swords/dagger fight. Nico and I decide to sword fight too.

"Your going down Di Angelo."

"Not if I can help it."

He slashes. I block and parry. He jabs at my left but I duck and roll. I slash at his head (like I am going to cut it off) and he ducks. Out of the corner of my eye I see Annabeth pining Percy down on the ground with his own sword at his throat. While I am distracted, Nico me with the flat of his blade. I stagger but regain balance. After a few minutes, he got me on my leg and lower arm and I cut him on his bicep and forehead. I advance and just when I am about to disarm him, he summons a skeleton that grabs my sword arm and judo flips me. My sword skitters across the arena and Nico is smirking above me.

"Cheater." I pant.

"Never said we can't use powers."

"Touche." He holds out his hand and helps me up. At that time I see Percy and Annabeth walking together and looking like they are in a deep conversation.

"Is it you guys?" Nico asks.

"Surprisingly no." Annabeth says.

"So it is one of you two." Percy says.

"Oh." Nico and I say at the same time.

"Better go." said Percy.

Nico and I walk hand in hand into the forest to Rachel's cave. We walk in and greeted by a poof of bright red hair.

"Hey guys!" Rachel greets us.

"Hey Rachel." I greet back.



"Well I can only take on at a time so I know who is the quest leader."

"Oh, Okay, I guess I'll go first."

"I'll be outside." Nico says and kisses me cheek.

As soon as he leaves, Rachels eyes start to glow and it starts to smell like the attic.

It's me.

Nico's POV

I don't really mind if it is my quest because I have been in charge of two quest and I had (Y/N) at my side for both of them. Then (Y/N) comes out of the cave pale.

"It's yours."

She nods.

"What is the prophecy?"

"I'll tell you at the meeting in the big house."

Time skip ( sorry would have been boring)

They seven, (Y/N), Chiron, Grover (he is (Y/N) saytr) and I are all seated around the ping pong table.

"My child." Chiron says. "What did she say?"

"The camp is missing a piece

Something gained release

Two shall go

The fleece shall not show

 A goddess will ask

And the hidden will be unmasked."

"Well it is about the fleece but I am not sure what is released and who the goddess it."

"It says the fleece shall not show. Does that mean they won't find it?" Percy asks.

"Way to show support bro." (Y/N) mutters.

He holds his hands up in surrender. "Sorry."

Chiron then says "It says two will go. Who is going with you?"

"Nico, if he accepts." (Y/N) says.

"I accept."

"Okay, good. You two shall leave in the morning. The fleece still attracts saytrs and Grover said he could sense it in the East."

"Okay." (Y/N) says.

Your POV

Nico and I walk hands laced in each others' to the Poseidon cabin. 

"The camp is missing a piece. That is the fleece."

"Right but what got released and it also says the fleece shall not show. Does that mean we don't find it and fail?" I ask.

"It also says the hidden will be unmasked. What could that mean?"

"And who is the goddess and what is she asking for?"

As soon as I ask the question, Nico pales a little. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am fine. We should get some sleep. We have to get up early and pack." He kisses my cheek and turns to walk to his cabin.

What is going to happen in my quest and why did Nico look a little worried?

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