Chapter 22

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Your POV

Iv'e been in the underworld for a week now. Their has been no sign of the hound anywhere, even Hades or Artemis can find it. Yes, Artemis is looking for it to. My dad found out and he wants to help me as much as he can. Awe thanks dad, love ya too. Nico said he was going to take me to visit someone special to him in Elysium. He would not answer my questions but okay...

"Hey (Y/N)." Nico opened the door to my room and walked over to me. "What are you doing." he laughed.

"Reading about Barcelona." ( sorry my fav soccer team and in this you and Nico like soccer.)

"Upside down?" Currently I am on my bed with my head almost touching the ground.

"Yes, I got bored."

"Then why didn't you come and get me earlier. We could have done something."

"I don't know. 'Cause I'm weird." I said while sitting up.

He walked over to the bed and sat down. I put my feet in his lap and I leaned back down on the bed. He started braiding my hair.

"How do you know how to braid?" He looked away for a moment and he looked sad.

"My sister."

"Oh." I removed my legs and sat up. "Sorry I didn't know." I said ashamed. I know how much he loves and misses his sister. I look down.

His fingers go under my chin and lift my head up. "It's fine (Y/N), I'm okay." he faintly smiled but there was still a little sadness in his dark eyes. I hug him. I feel so bad. I know he tries to get over it but he can't. He is the son of the king of the underworld but he can't do anything to bring his sister back. He hugs me back. We stay like that for a couple minutes just embracing and enjoying each other's company.

"Hey come on, I want you to meet someone." We untangled our arms and stand up.

We walk for awhile  and I start to hear music.

"Where are we?"

"Elysium." he walks us to a log on the ground and sits me down. "Stay here , I am going to bring someone to you." I nod and watch him walk off. I wonder who it is?

I wait for awhile and I start to get worried. Then I see him walking in the distance talking to a ghost with a green cap on and a silver bow slung on her back. When she gets closer I notice she looks familer. She looks like Nico. It is Bianca, his sister. I just stand there shocked.

"Hey you must be (Y/N), Nico was telling me about you." I look at Nico, he was blushing. He is so cute, no (Y/N) stop. Remember best friends.

"Ah yeah and you must be Bianca, right?" She nods.

"The one and only."

We talk for awhile and laugh and have fun. Nico is smiling in front of someone other than me. It's nice, seeing him smile.

Then Bianca says out of nowhere "Can I speck to (Y/N) alone."

I look at Nico with a confused expression but he looked the same way.

"Sure." I say. "Okay with you Nico." 

"Fine with me. I am going to find Beckondorf."

When he was out of sight, Bianca turned to me.

"I know you like him, I can see it."

"How does everyone know that than him." I groan.

"Boys are oblivous."

"Tell me about it."

"Well I can see he cares a lot about you." I see a weird glint in her eyes.

We talk for a little bit more and somehow she starts teaching me Italian. Then a song she used to sing to Nico when he was sad, mad or had a nightmare. Soldatino.

After two hours of hanging out with a pretty interesting deceased relative of my best friend , Nico came back.

"It's getting late, we should head back."

"Okay. Bye Bianca." We stand up and she hugs me, I can touch her and I don't go threw her. Nico hugs her and kisses her head. I smile because I love when he does that to me. "Ti amo" "Ti amo Nico."

We talk for awhile and eat dinner and walk back to our rooms. He hugs me and kisses my head. "Goodnight (Y/N)." He opens his door. "Night Neeks." I open my door and close it behind me. I get ready for bed and crawl into the covers. Today was fun and I like his sister. 

I fall into a peaceful sleep but not for long. 

Tidel Wave Nico Di Angelo x Reader Where stories live. Discover now