Chapter 52

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Hey guys, thank yous so much for sharing your ideas with me. Because of them, I came up with this chapter and I hope you like it.

Nico's POV
It is now Valentine's Day. I have had the hardest time trying to find the perfect thing to get for (Y/N). I've had the hardest time finding the perfect give because we aren't materialistic, we need each other and that's pretty much it. That's what led me to this idea and I hope it wasn't stupid or I won't embarrass myself.

I had Piper take (Y/N) shopping for a dress for my surprise and to distract her while I set up for the surprise. Percy, Jason, Frank and Leo were all going somewhere for Valentine's Day( a Friday) and won't be back until Sunday. We couldn't go anywhere because we both had a soccer game tomorrow at the Goode against our rivals, the Panthers from St, Johns High School. Jason's football team already had their game on Thursday and Goode won and St. Johns doesn't have a swim team so Percy doesn't have to stay in town. So I had the whole house to myself with (Y/N) and I took that to an advantage. I got everything set up and Piper texted me to let me know that she was on her way back.

 I turned all the lights off and went up to my room.

Your POV
Honestly, I never really like Valentine's Day. It's just another Holiday to make you buy more things for the person you love. Your love should not be made up of money and buying things fore each other. The relationship should be deeper than that. Piper made me go dress shopping with her and get one. I got a sea green dress that went down to above my mid thigh. She also put light make up on me. Blush, mascara and eyeliner to make my eyes stand out. Well, and I did buy something else, for Nico. I got him a new guitar because when Bridgit broke into Nico's room, she fell through the window and broke it. He was pretty upset and complained that he wanted a new one. It was flat black and I had Leo engrave his favorite song quotes and bands in it with bronze and silver, it looks pretty cool.I gave it to him this morning and he was really happy. I also got him a dog tag that says 'Forever and Always- Marine Queen.

When I got home and opened the door, all the lights were off, weird. It was also quiet, in this household, that never happens and for a demigod, it is not a good sign. I put my bag down on the couch and was about to pull my pen out of my pocket but I stopped, and smiled. Candles were on either side of the stair case. I followed them and down the hallway. The candles led me to Nico's door and a few rose pedals were at my feet. I opened the door. His room was lit up with candles and white Christmas lights. His usual black bed cover was now replaced with a deep red one and had  red and white rose pedals on it The floor was also littered with them as well. The room that usual smelled of fresh dirt, mint and pomegranate now had a sweet smell to it. Then there he was, leading up against a bedpost with all of his glory. He was wearing a black button down shirt with his usual black jeans. His hair was a messy but that just made him look even more handsome. He walked towards me, shut the door and wrapped his arms around my waist. He started kissing my neck.

"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear. I could feel blush on my face. Only he could do that to me.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I joked.

"Close your eyes." I closed my eyes and he led me over to something soft and he sat me down on it. It was his bed. He ran his hand down my arm, leaving goose bumps. He opened my hand and turned it so that my palm was facing the ceiling. He put small box in my hand. I opened m eyes.

He was kneeling on the ground in font of me. The box had two rings it in. One was black and had a sea green gem in the middle and the other was sea green and had a black gem in the middle.

"Are you..?" I trailed off unable to finish my sentence.

"No, I'm not proposing, yet. That's for later.n These are promise rings. A promise that I will always be there for you. A promise where I will always protect you the best that I can. A promise where I will always love you because I always will. We have saved each other to many times to count and I don't want to lose you. I don't want to love anyone else but you. So this is a promise that I will always be by your side till the day I day because I love you and I always will." I could feels my eyes tearing up and I couldn't say anything, I didn't trust my voice. I could tell her was nervous because he was tense and was playing with a loose string on his shirt.

"If you-" He started to say but I cut him off.

"Just shut up and kiss me." I laugh cried. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his lips to mine. I could feel him relax and smile into the kiss. He lifted me up, sat on my bed and put me on his lap. My knees were on either side of his hips. Then without breaking the kiss, he put the sea green ring on my left ring finger. I put the black one on his left ring finger. I leaned back so that my back was now on the bed and he was over me. He started kissing my neck and I started unbuttoning his shirt. I pulled it off of his and ran my hands over his chest and stomach. He kissed lower on my neck and to my collar bone. I feel him shiver and his stomach muscles tightened under my hands and he moaned softly. He brought his lips back to mine and parted my lips with his tongue. Our tongues fought for dominance but we were both running out of air. As we parted, he bit my bottom lip softly and sucked.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too."I said.

I changed into on of his old soccer jerseys and shorts while he turned on a movie that I have been wanting to see for a long time, Me Before You. As we watched the movie, his head was in my lap and I was playing with his hair. One of his arms were on my leg and the other was wrapped around my waist tracing circles on the bare skin on my hip. I also took a closer look at our rings. On the inside of mine it said 'His Queen.' He said it was because I am the Sea Queen and his Ghost Queen. On the inside of his it said 'Her King' because he is the Ghost King and I think he is my Sea King. I cried at the end of the movie and we both decided to go to sleep.

He was on top of me with his body in between my legs. His head was in my neck and his hands were in my hair. My arms were wrapped around his bare back and was tracing his muscles and his spine. I fell asleep excited about our games tomorrow.

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