Chapter 53

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Your POV
Nico just kissed me goodbye and we parted our ways. I went into the girls locker room to get ready for my game. Mine was before his so he went to go wait in the stands with some of his other team mates and I had to go change into my jersey and put on my shin guards, ankle guards,socks and cleats on. I had 10 minutes to do that, then we had to go out on the field to do some warm ups before the game. I had a few minutes before we had to go outside so, I went to chat with my friend and assistant captain Emily.

"I hope we win tonight." I said. "I hate the Panthers with a passion." She laughed.

"Same. But we will do great. You are such a great captain. I'm sure we will win."

"Stop, you going to make me blush. Plus, I'm not the only great player. Our whole team works together and we get the job done. We will win as a team, not rely on a single player to carry the whole team. We all have the same talent as the next player."

"That's what I'm talking about. You never say that we won because of this person or that person. You encourage us to try harder and do the best to our ability. That's why we win and why we think you are better than coach. All he does is yell." I laugh.

"He does yell a lot."

"Who yells a lot?" Coach Brown asks.

"Uh. Just my dad." Emily says. " I forgot my phone at home and I woke him up when I went back to grab it." Wow, she is pretty good at lying.

"Hm." Coach grunts. "Okay listen up girls! Game starts in..." He checks his watch. " In 25 minutes. I want a lap around the field, a set of suicides and shots on goal. (Y/L/N) will have captains arm band because she is captain and she will lead the drills. Now go cupcakes or I will make it three laps!"

We all exit the locker rooms.

"Okay girls. I will set up the cones for the drill while you guys jog the lap. I'll run it when I'm done. Emily will lead them until I catch up" They run in a line and I see the dark green jerseys of the Panthers come out of the science room that is used as the other girls locker room. As I set up the drill, I see a girl from the other team walk up to Bridgit. Oh yeah, I forgot she would be here. She is head cheerleader. They talk for a little bit and they both sneak glances at me. I ignore them and start running the lap and the other girls start the drills. Nico is chatting with his team mates and he catches me looking at him. He smirks at me and I shake my head, running faster so I can catch up to the other girls but a foot is swept underneath my feet and I jump over it so I don't fall.

"Oops." A girl's voice says. I groan.

"What do you want Bridgit? To wish me luck?" I ask sarcastically.

"You wish honey."

"Ha! Yeah right. All you do is to cartwheels and shake pom poms. I actually have to run and slam into people and you know, like not have anyone to catch me if I fall."

"I can do more than just a silly little cartwheel sweetheart." She does a back hand spring and looks pretty proud of herself. That is so easy, I do way harder things at camp, for fun. I laugh and take a few steps back from her. I start with a back hand spring, the I do a a back flip and I end it with a back flip twist. ( I had to look all these up. I only play soccer. I land perfectly and smirk at her. Then I go join my team. They all looked shocked but they don't ask questions. Out of the corner of my eye I see Bridgit throw her pom poms down and say something to the same girl again. The girl nods and Bridgit hands something to the girl and they part ways. As we were waiting in line to shoot, I stood beside the goal to watch the girls shoot. I got bored and started juggling the ball. The I did some tricks like around the world and rainbow. The referee blew the whistle and signaled for the captains. The girl who talking to Brdgit came up to me and the referee. 

"Okay. My name is Bob and I will be your ref. I want a nice clean game, from all of you. Now shake hands and introduce yourself."

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)." I stick out my hand. She doesn't take it and just makes a face at me.

"Courtney." Is all she says. The coin was flipped and my team gets ball.

Half time. The score is 2-2. Emily scored one and another girl named Kaylie.

Courtney has been playing pretty ruff with me. She has knocked me down a lot more than what is expected and is playing dirty. She doesn't even help me up or say sorry. Bridgit doing tricks in front of the stands to impress Nico but he is ignoring her by watching me play or joking around with his team. She just keeps getting angrier. She walked over to the other teams' bench and pulls Courtney after her. She yells at her but they are to far away to hear and Courtney nods and walks back to her bench because the ref blows his whistle to start the next half.

We walk back onto the field and my team has the ball again because they just scored. The ball was passed to me and I run down the sideline. I pull some tricks and kick the ball through her legs( called a meg) and run past her. I was about to kick the ball at the goal to try to score but something collides with the back of my right calf and pain spreads up legs. I cry out and fall the ground. The ref blows the whistle and runs over to someone beside me. He flashes the red card to Courtney, she shrugs and walks off the field. My coach runs over to me with a medic and a water bottle.

"What's wrong?" The medic asks me. Uh? Should't he know already. I mean, if he was watching the game, he would have saw the girl Courtney dig her cleat in the back of my calf.

"My leg." I mutter and cover my arms with my face because my leg hurts a lot and they sun was in my eyes. He rolls down my sock carefully but it still hurts like shit.

"It's already swelling and bruising. I don't think you should play anymore. You should sit on the bench and put ice on it." I uncover my eyes to see that my leg was bigger than usual and had purple marks from the bottom of Courtney's cleats that were only going to get darker. All of my team mates have taken a knee and Nico was staring at me, concerned and angry.

"Penalty kick?" I asked the ref. He nodded. I looked at coach. "Let me take it."

"I don't think that is a good idea. You should-" I cut him off.

"Please. Right after I kick it, I'll get off the field and ice it. Please." I plead.

"Fine, only if you can stand." I pull my sock back up carefully and try to get up but pain shoots up my leg again. I bite my lip hard to keep myself from crying out. My team mates stand and they all start clapping, so do the audience in the stands. The ref hand me the ball and I limp over to the penalty kick circle and put the ball down. Everyone stops clapping. I glance over at Courtney, who is standing by Bridgit. They both look smug but that turns to anger when they realize that I'm taking the kick. I glace at my team mates then into the stands at Nico. I look back at the goal and take a deep breath in.

Nico's POV
(Y/N) was running down the field with the ball and was about to shoot. Then some girl runs up behind her and kicks her in the back of the leg. (Y/N) falls and the ref give the girl a red card. I get nervous because she has not gotten back up yet and the coach and medic were talking to her. She gets up slowly and grabs the ball from the ref. She limps to the front of the goal and puts the ball down on the circle. She looks around and then locks her eyes with mine. She slightly smiles at me and looks back at the goal. She takes a deep breath and kicks the ball. It looks like it is going to miss but it curves into the top right corner, tricking the goalie, and it goes in. We all stand up and cheer.

Your POV
I smile wide as the ball curves into the goal. My team picks me up and carries me to the bench so I don't have to walk.

"Nice goal. Now ice that leg and stay off of it so you can play later in the season." My coach says. I take off my gear and the bruises are way darker and my leg is even more swollen. I bite my lip so I won't yelp as I put the ice bag on it.

End of games
Both of our teams won. At the end of mine, Nico asked if he wanted me to take him home. I said no because he would miss him game and I really wanted to watch it. He obviously wanted to argue with me but I said I was fine and threatened not to kiss him for a week.

We are now walking back to his car. Well, he is walking and carrying me bridal style.

"Your cute when your worried." I mumbled into his chest and yawned.

"Come on. Let's go home." I mumble something and pas out in his arms.

For the next week, Nico would barley let me walk anywhere and insisted that he would grab things to me. It is really cute to have a over protective boyfriend. 

Btw I could not take ambrosia or nectar to heal it because people saw me get hurt and question how it magically healed in a few days.


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