Chapter 20

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Nico's POV

I shifted (Y/N) so she would be leaning more on me and be more comfortable. I put my arm around her. She shifted closer to me and I smiled. Only she could do that to me. Get me to smile, laugh and actually touch someone other than my half-sister Hazel.

The car ride was supposed to be 40-45 hours but because Albert was dead, the car could travel through solid objects and go faster than a train. Gotta love the gods am I right? We were in the car for five hours and (Y/N) slept the entire time. I didn't mine. She was so cute and looked so peaceful.

When we got to the Hollywood sign, I had to wake her up. Her sea green eyes opened. 

"Hey, we are at the Hollywood sign." I said softly because she just woke up.

"Okay.a' she said with a voice still filled with sleep. She stretched, stood up and when to pick up her bag.

"Nope I got it." She smiled and walked to the sign.

"αυτά όλα τα γενναία σου." she said. (those to all the brave souls).

"How did you know that?"

"Percy" she smirked. "The movie."

"That movie is so off though."

"Oh my gods I know right."

We walked into the darkness. Yes, there we skulls but weirdly you didn't even mind. You were not even scared. I can sense fear and make you feel fear.

Then we reached the edge of the river Styx.

"Hey Charon. What's up?"

"Same old, same old but I got my raise."

"Good for you man."

"Let me guess. To your dad."


"I can sense the hound on her." He nodded to (Y/N).

She smiled. "Got that right. Almost got me too." That's my girl. She always smiles at the bad stuff.

Charon looked shocked. "Come on then."

I hopped into the boat and helped you in. We sat down side by side. The cave opened up and you could see the Asphodel meadow and the Elysium Fields. Your face was priceless when we got to the palace.

"Home sweet home. I muttered.

You glance at me then back at the dark walls and green fire torches. "Oh come on, it can't be that bad. This place looks fun."

"Wait until you meet my dad then."

I open the doors and beckon for you to follow me. I had Albert take you stuff up to your room and you follow me to the throne room. Hades is sitting with back to us in his throne looking at the fireplace.

"Father." He turns his head and looks at us. "I'm here and I brought my friend (Y/N)." I gestured at (Y/N).

"Ah your little friend that got attacked." He made it sound like it was her fault.

"Yes" I glance at her to see her face. You looked care free, not an ounce of fear or worry on you.

Then he turned to (Y/N) and stepped closer to her. You didn't flinch or even move.

He looked stunned.

"Why are you not scared or backing away from me girl?"

"There is nothing to be afraid of."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not like you threatened to kill me and I did nothing wrong." She said with a brave face.

"But, I am the god of death and the underworld. I can see your worst nightmares and replay them in your head with so much realism you could go insane."

"You are not the god of death, you just can control them and rule the place of where they go to die. Also everyone is scared of something. I mean it's not like I want you to share to the world my fears but their is nothing to be scared of. Everyone just expects because you rule the underworld and because of your powers, that you are a bad guy. No one really gives you a chance and who knows? You could be really nice but because everyone treats you like an outcast you act like one."

Both Hades and I were stunned. He just defended the most feared olympian god.

"Did you just defend me?" Hades asked.

"Yes I recall that I did." You stated matter of factly.

A moment of silence filled the room.

"I like you." Hades finally said. "Stay as long as you like and you are always welcome here."

It was (Y/N)'s turn to look shocked.

"Come on (Y/N), I'll show you your room."

She nodded and we left the room.

 Your POV

We climbed three flights of stairs and walked down a hall, turned left and climbed three more flights of stairs. This led us to a smaller hallway with six doors.

Nico stopped at the last two. He pointed to the one to my right. "This is my room." Then he opended the left door and walked in. "And this is your room." he gestured to the room. The room was fairly big. It had a queen sized bed with a dark grey blanket and light red pillows. The room was black but it did not feel depressing. Its also had a dark grey dresser and a big flat screen tv. It had every channel. My bag was on the bed.

"We also have wifi." Nico said. "The password is Cerberus1920."

"The underworld has wifi?" I asked sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes. "I got Hades to 'modern up' this place because I would stay here so often."

"Ah. Understandable."

"Well it is almost seven, you want to eat?"

I shrugged. "Sure."

That's when I meet Persephone. 

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