Chapter 35

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Your POV

I wake up on one of the roll up mats that we packed for out quest. Slowly, I sit up and I have a slight headache. The sun is just starting to come up. I don't see any sign of Nico anywhere.

"Nico?" I ask groggily.

"Oh thank the gods." I hear Nico sigh in relief. " I almost thought you would not wake up."

"What do you mean? How long was I out?" I ask and Nico sits on the ground beside me.

"Almost a day." he pauses. "What even happened?" he asked with genuine concern. "You just started screaming in pain after you killed Antaeus and then you passed out."

"I saw a billboard sign. It said 'Welcome to Bar Harbor!"

"So, I guess we should be going to Maine. Did you see anything else?"

I nod my head slowly because my head is still bothering me but not as bad. "I saw a black castle by the ocean and a forest." I could visibly see Nico tense."Then I saw the fleece. It was hanging off a a monster's waist but I could not tell what type of monster it was. It also had a bunch of camp beads hanging off its belt along with the fleece." I pause for a moment. Didn't Percy, Annabeth and Grover find Nico and his sister, Bianca, in Maine?

"Didn't you used to live in Maine." I ask.

"Bar Harbor." he says in agreement while nodding his head once .

"Do you have any idea where we are going?"

He purses his lips. "Unfortunately I think I do." He stands up and and whistles loudly, like he is hailing a taxi. Caspian and Guido land on the ground a few minutes later. We pack up our stationary camp and saddle up and our pegasi. "Just follow me." was all Nico said before we took off. Right now we are in Vermont so I know it will take awhile to get to Maine. I also know that Nico is not going to talk anytime soon so I have nothing to do but sleep. I turn around and lean my back up against Caspian's neck, stretch out my legs and cross one over the other, on the pegasus's rear. I breath in deep, sign out through my nose and close close my eyes and enter the horrible world of demigod dreams.

Nico's POV

I don't like this. I don't like it at all. I am now going to a place I thought I would never go agan. To make it even better, my best friend and girlfriend is going there with me and we are going to have to fight a monster and we have no idea what it is. Also, we don't even know if we are going to complete the quest and bring the fleece back to camp before the borders fade, or at all bring it back. Antaeus said that our camp is going to be taken over by monsters and all of our friends will be killed. The only thing I can't handle is when he said (Y/N) will be killed. She has helped me so much and I love her so much that I can't bare to live without her. She is the main reason why I live, I can not let her go and she cannot die on this quest.

I look back at (Y/N) to see her asleep with her back on Caspian's neck.I smile. She is so pretty. Her hair is blowing in the wind and she looks so relaxed. Over the past three days she looked so stressed about the quest, it is nice to see her with no worries, even if it only for a few hours. I feel bad for not telling her where we are going but I was just in the shock of it. I'll tell her when we get there.  We just crossed over the Vermont - Massachusetts state border. We wont be anywhere near Maine until another four or five hours. I don't trust flying on a pegasus as much as (Y/N), or flying in general, so I just lean forward and place my head on Guido's neck. I fall asleep praying to the gods what I am thinking of will not happen on our quest.

Hey guys! I was just sending a huge thanks to my readers and I also want to send a Huge thanks to the readers who have checked out my new book 'Words Hurt'. You guys are amazing.

                                                                    Thanks again


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