Chapter 11 part 2

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Trigger warning cutting in this chapter and maybe next two

Your POV -dream

It is your 7th birthday and your stepdad comes home drunk again. Your mom has to stay an hour late at work to cover someones' shift." Y/N)' get over here." You see him on the couch with the knife in his hand. " You know your birthday present already , shirt up." You lift up your shirt to reveal other scares.The last time he did it he did three because you did not listen. He slices the cool knife against your skin and puts the knife down. Then he starts punching you until you fall on the floor and when you do, he kicks you in the gut twice and makes sure he kicked the new cut. "Now go clean up you worthless bag before your mom gets home." You go upstairs quickly but painfully and clean up your new cut and put on a long sleeve shirt to cover your bruises. He started giving you 'presents' since you were five. You go back downstairs because your mom will be home in a few minutes. The phone rings and your step dad picks it up. His voice is muffled threw the wall so you can hear him. He then comes back into the room smirking and picks up the knife again. "Your mom won't be hear for another hour, time to give you more presents you brat."

That's when I wake up in a cold sweat. I have not had that dream since I was 12. Percy walks into the cabin and when he sees me he leaps toward me. " Where have you been , I was looking for you, I was worried sick!" he yelled. He looks at me again and rubs his finger against your cheek bone. His anger gone and placed with concern. "Hey you okay, why are you crying." You didn't know you were crying until he wraps me in his arms. A few minutes later you stop. He asked again "Why are you crying?" I look down and start playing with my sheets. "I had a bad dream but I am okay, just got scared." He looks like he does not look like he believes you but let's it drop. "The dinner bell rang before you woke up, we should go." "I'll be there in a minute ,I have to do something first. He nods then walks out of the cabin. I then open my dresser, dig threw the clothes and pull out a small box. I open it to reveal my razor blades. I have not cut since I was 12, before I met Nico. Nico made the nightmares stop but he does not even know about them. I grab a blade and slice my wrist once. I put the blades back into the drawer, put on a sweat shirt and walk to the dining hall. There, you were greeted by a concerned Nico. "Where have you been, you could have been hurt?!" You over at the hecate cabin to see Lucy looking at you. "I'm fine" I mutter then walk back to my table and sit across from Percy. Nico's table it two tables away in front of me. Even though I don't look up, I still feel his eyes staring at me. I leave dinner early and skip the bonfire to avoid people asking questions and Nico and Lucy. I change into pajamas and hope that I don't get any more nightmares about my step dad.

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