Chapter 36

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Nico's POV

During my dream I hear a voice, a female voice. "What you seek is not what you need first. To find what you seek, you need more help."

What does that mean.

As I see the old school castle that I used to go to, I sense power. I sense the fleece's power but also others. They feel so familiar but I can't seem to put my finger on it. (Y/N) seems to sense them too. Not only that, but some memories of Bianca come back. (Y/N) knows about Bianca but does not know that this is the school we came to.

We get off our pegasi and (Y/N) tells them to stick into calling distance but not very close so that they will be seen.

"Where do we go first?" you ask.

I was about to open my mouth but a old woman voice spoke before me.

"You are supposed to be over there." She points off to her left. "The party is over there an I better not catch you away from it again. I am keeping my eyes on you two." Then I notice that she is my old math teacher Mrs. Sanders from when I went here when I was ten.

"Over there I guess." We walk to where Mrs.Sanders pointed to and started hearing loud music. White christmas lights were hung from the trees and there were balloons and punch and snacks. I must have been the older students' party because there were no younger students and the parties were usually inside when there was any. The only one I got to go to was the one in the gym, the day Percy saved my sister and I from Dr.Thorn the manticore. That was also the day Bianca chose to join the hunters.

"Are you okay?" (Y/N) put her hand on my shoulder. "You seem upset."

"Yeah." I take a deep breath. "Just memories."

I know she was about to ask what I was thinking about but a girl about two years younger than us came up to us. She look very familiar.

"Abby?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah, what are you guys doing here."

"We are on a quest. What are you doing here?"

"Chiron sent me here a few days before the fleece went missing because some nature spirits sensed magic being used."

Abby is a daughter if Hecate and one the best workers of magic. The good thing is is that she acts nothing like Lucy, her older sister.

Then I heard a low grunt and heavy footsteps in the snow.

We all tensed. In the shadows I could see the outline of a monster and the power getting stronger.

"Abby, get out of here." I say not taking my eyes off the shadowed figure." Get everyone out of here."

Abby chanted for a few moments and everyone starts walking back to the school in a trance but she did not turn and go with them.

"Abby, you need to get out of here." She was an okay fighter but she has had two years less training than (Y/N) and I and I have a feeling this monster is strong.

"No, I can sense magic on it, a spell."

 Then the monster charged.

Your POV

I had just in time to roll to the left, Nico to the right and Abby barley jumped aside the charging monster. When it turned back around, I knew what is was. The minotaur. The freaking minotaur. Why did it have to be the minotaur?!? I uncapped my sword and Nico pulled his out of the shadows. Abby pulled out a dagger and them the beast turned to me and charged again. This time, it turned away from and rammed into Abby. Its long sharp horn impaled her stomach. She fel, to the ground but I could be her breathing and he eyes were open. She was still alive. I looked at Nico and mouthed '32'. He would know what it means. At camp, Nico and I made battle plans and named them with numbers.

I ran at the monster full speed and at the last moment, slid between his legs. I came up with my back to the ocean. When I slid, I sliced his leg with my sword and left a pretty good gash. He bellowed in rage. That gave Nico enough time to sneak up behind it. He tried to hit me with a closed fist but I intersected it, leaving another gash. Nico was creeping up behind the minotaur. 'Just a few more feet.' I thought. Its eyes widened and before I could warn Nico, it turned around and hit Nico flat in the chest. He flew through the air and hit a tree with a sickening CRACK. He fell to the ground, blood dripping from his mouth, a sign of internal bleeding. He did not move. Anger roared inside me. I heard ringing in my ears and a tug in my gut. The bull man looked like he had a smile on his face, like he was confident he was going to win, and charged. This time I did not move. I held my ground and yelled in anger. Gallons of sea water made a shield around me just as the bull hit it. I told the water to push the bull man away but was strong. I was getting weaker by the minute because of my concentration with the water and me being so out of practice with it. With one final grunt, I forced the water with all my might and he fell to the ground. Before he could get up, I jumped on him and stabbed him in the chest. He went still but did not disintegrate, he just stopped moving. I made my way over to Abby. I was very weak but her and Nico needed help. I had no idea where the nectar and ambrosia was and I didn't have time to look for it. I healed Abby with sea water like I would myself (Like in the first Percy Jackson movie with Percy and Annabeth at the pool after fighting medusa) and slowly made my way to Nico. Black dots covered my vision. I know I was almost out of energy and this could kill me but I could not let Nico die. I put my hands on him and pushed the salty water through his veins. My eye lids were slowly shutting but I fought against it. I felt Nico's  ribs being healed and his lung was damaged. When he was completely healed, I fell to the ground beside him and darkness over came my eyes.

Not before I saw a flash of silver.

Sorry it took so long. My computer broke and I had to go somewhere. THEY HAD NO WIFI> I ALMOSTR DIED. I am so sorry and I will try to update more often.


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