Chapter 11

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Nico's POV

I have not seen (Y/N) since after we fought. It is now like 4:00 and i hope she is okay, know what I am just going to look for her.

Your POV

I wake up to a headache and tied to a tree. "Finally your up" I crane my neck to see, yep the one and only, Lucy. "What do you want and why am I tied to a tree?" She smile and said " Oh I only want you to stay away from Nico."

"That is not going to happen."

"Oh but I think he will stay away from you when he finds out what your step dad did. Also what you did to yourself because of it.

"H-how do you k-know that?" I stamper.

She smirked "I am the goddess of magic's daughter, I know mind reading spells."

"Well I think I know Nico and that he would not over react or get mad at me."

Her smirk grew "That's what I thought you would say, that is why I also studied this spell."

She closed her eyes and started chanting. At first nothing happended but then your insides felt like they are burning and freezing at the same time. I try to scream but my throat is so dry that it feels like I swallowed fire. She then stopped and I started to pant heavily. She walked over to me and said "You better stay away from him and if you tell anyone ,I will do the pain spell more intensely and I won't stop." She smiled and cut the rope and cutting my arm and leg in the process. "I will also have spies watching you to make sure you stay away from him and I also put a surprise spell on you." She then walked away.

I limped the whole way back to the Poseidon cabin trying not to get questioned on where I was for hours. I healed myself with water, changed my clothes and went to sleep trying to find out what the 'secret curse was'.

What a great birthday.

Tidel Wave Nico Di Angelo x Reader Where stories live. Discover now