Chapter 8

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Nathan is what happended.

 Nico and I were talking and laughing and that's when you felt to arms and your waist spin you around and kiss you firm on the lips. You did not kiss back and he tried to stick his tongue in your mouth. Then he pulled away. That's when you saw Nico punching Nathan in the face."Don't touch her" he growled with so much force that Nathan wimpered. Nico punched Nathan again then walked over to you. He had a scary glare in his eyes, but as soon as he turned to you it became soft, and so did his voice. "You okay?" he asking looking into your eyes."Yeah,thanks" you say looking into his dark brown, almost black eyes. He then pulled you into a hug and you buried your face in his chest. He kissed your forehead then set his chin on the top of your head. Nathan then got up and ran...right into Percy. Percy took one glance at me and Nico then at Nathan. He didn't even asked what happended, he just unlocked the car and got in. Nico pulled out of the hug but did not let go of your hand. You got into the car and leaned on Nico, placing you head on his shoulder.

When we got home Percy led us into the living room and said, "He kissed you didn't he?" You nodded your head." Well because of this and because it is your birthday soon, we are taking off school and going to camp until Monday. (Y/N) is going to have a birthday demigod style." Annabeth didn't even argue, she smirked, ran up stairs and screamed "EVERYONE PACK A BAG FOR ABOUT SIX DAYS, WE ARE GOING TO CAMP FOR (Y/N)'S BIRTHDAY!" Everyone cheered and a half an hour later everyone's bags were pack and was waiting for Argus to pick us up. "What is a demigod style birthday?" I asked. Percy said "You'll see" with a mischievous glint in his eye. Argus came an hour later and you fell asleep trying to imagine the best birthday day ever demigod style.

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