Chapter 58

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Your POV
I wanted to cry again. Out of relief or because of the things Nico told me. I wanted to scream, pull out my hair and punch Nico for worrying me. I wanted to kick the ever living Hades out of Bridgit and Nathan and then cry again.

"(Y/N)?" Nico shook my shoulder lightly.

"Mmmm yeah." 

"I've been trying to get you attention for a few minutes. Are you okay?" His eye brows scrunched together, it was cute. (Like the thing with Percy and Annabeth.

"Yeah, just thinking." I yawned. I haven't been getting good sleep lately. Nico gave me a small smile.

"Sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." He went to stand up but I grabbed his arm.

"Stay with me?" I mumbled, my eyes already closing. He got into bed and pulled the blankets over the both of. Then he pulls me in his arms. My back against his muscled chest, feeling is warmth through my shirt. I could feel his warmth breaths on my neck, making me shiver.

"Always." He whispers in my ear and plants a kiss on my neck. I fell back asleep with a smile on my face.

Unknown POV
"Are you sure we won't get caught?" The first person asks. It sounded like a girl.

"Yes, I'm sure." A second person says. It has the low voice of a man.

"Because if the boss finds out-" The girl started.

"He won't find out." The man cut her off. "He died, you saw it. There was no way he survived that."

'But-" She tried to protest.

"No buts. He'd dead. He died. End of story. The boss will never know. Even if he does, he'll be happy that he's dead. Okay?"


"Good, now lets go." They walked out of what seemed like a hallway and stepped into a dark room. They walked up to a throne and kneeled down, bowing. The persons face held a sickening grin as they saw the two people bowing down in front of them. The person's face was hidden by the shadows, keeping their identity unknown. The person raised their hand and the two people on the floor stood up.

"I want them dead." Was the only words the person on the throne said.

"Yes father."

Tidel Wave Nico Di Angelo x Reader Where stories live. Discover now