Chapter 32

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Your POV 

Nico laced his fingers in mine as we walked down the street. It was a simple gesture but it was cute. Guys started to wolf whistle at me so Nico pulled me in close and put his arm around my waist. I tucked into him because he makes me feel safe. Girls would glance at Nico and whisper among their group, which would giggle. I didn't care. Nico made it very clear I am the only one in his eyes. My fatal flaw is trust, it started when my step dad first hit me and that's when I was five. Then when I was twelve, I met my brother (Sally is like a second mom to me so I don't call Percy my half brother) and my best friend/ boyfriend Nico. Nico actually earned my trust before Percy because he told me how his mom and sister died. I always thought he had it worse then me. Then Percy was always nice to me and I finally started to get close to him. The whole first week of camp, I talked to no one. Not even Chiron. Then my mom told Chiron what happened and we had a whole meeting about it blah blah blah. Nico was the first person to get me to talk. (You will learn how later.)  

We walked for a little bit until we walked on a giant green lawn and stopped at a frozen pond. We were at central park. He spread a blanket o the ground that he dug out basket. 

We stayed there laughing, talking, kissing,cuddling and eating for two hours. It started to get later colder so we decided to go home. But, not without a cute picture. Nico took a picture of him kissing my forehead while his hand cupping my cheek. I am looking up at him with a smile on my face. The sun was setting in the background and it looked beautiful reflecting of the frozen pond and the snow. I love it.

"Send that to me." he smirked.

He stood up and pulled me up with him. We walked back to the house hand in hand. We went to his room and watched some horror movies. I am not scared of them but I love how Nico is protective of me. He would hold me close and say things like 'Don't worry I won't let them hurt you.' I smiled more in the movie then I was scared. Then my phone buzzed. I got a direct message from a instagram page called 'RelationshipGoals'. It said 'Omg that picture of you and your boyfriend by the pond and the sunset is like to die for! Can I post it on my account? I will tag you guys in it because your relationship is so cute.Also I would like to know your names if that is okay.'

"Hey Nico."

"Hmm." he said without looking away from the tv.

"Look." I handed him my phone. His eyes moved back and forth as he read the message. He smiled.

"So we have the 'relationship to die for'." he said while he was smirking.

"I guess. So do you want her to post it?"

"Sure." He handed me back my phone. I started typing. 'Sure we would love for you too. My name is (Y/N) and his name is Nico.' I sent the message. I started to get tired. With Nico protectivly cuddling me in his arms and his warmth, I felt safe. Then I started to drift.

My dream

I saw a silhouette of a girl being stabbed through the stomach by a sword and falling to the ground. Then I heard a scream and a male silhouette running to her. He cradled her in his arms crying and screaming. Then a flash of white light came over and I couldn't see anything.

End of dream.

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see a concerned Nico. I am still in his room in his bed.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah just a bad dream."

"If you are okay, then why are you crying?" He wiped the tears that I just noticed away.

I just took a deep breath and sighed. He must have noticed my distress so he dropped the conversation and hugged me tight but not bone crushing tight. I felt safe again and drifted off back to sleep. This time I dreamed of a dark haired boy and (Y/H/C) ( your hair color) running away from me but I could hear them laughing. Behind them were a dark haired boy a girl a little shorter than the boy with (Y/H/C) and a girl and boy that were the same height. The girl had dark hair and the boy had (Y/H/C). They were running and playing on a beach. It made me happy by just watching them. The family looked very happy. If only I could have that kind of future. Being a demigod makes it very rare to live until your older let alone get married or have kids.

End of dream

I wake up with two arms wrapped around my waist. I am laying on top of Nico with my back to his chest. The clock on his nightstand said 7 a.m. We, for sure, did not have school today either. The ground had at least two more feet of snow then yesterday. I sighed out threw my nose and curled back into the warmth of Nico. He sensed me moving so  he pulled me closer to him. I buried my face in his neck and breathed in his sent. I attached his sent to being safe. It makes me feel safe and calm. I can feel his heart beat on the palm of my hand which is resting on his chest. I fall back to sleep with his steady beating heart and slow deep breaths.

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