Chapter 55

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Nico's POV
(Question from last chapter 'Why can't he shadow travel?")

Well, I can't shadow travel because if I do, two pairs of locked handcuffs will still be on the bed and that would look really weird because they are locked and I don't have a key. Also, I'm in a room with no windows and the only door is locked. It would look strange that I somehow got out of two pairs of handcuffs and a locked door with no keys. So, I'm down to my last plan and I am going to hate myself for doing this.

I can hear the door unlock and Bridgit comes in with a plate of food. Obviously she didn't make it, her cook or servant did.

"Nicopoo." her voices shrills. "I brought you lunch." She sets the bowl down on the nightstand beside me.

"Okay. I can't exactly eat with no hands, can I? Could you unlock my hands?" She giggles. 

"Opps. I forgot. And no silly, I can feed you." She giggles again.

"How could you forget that you locked me in a room for a few days." I snap at her.

"Aw." She pouted her bottom lip. "Is wittle Nicokins feeling lonely?" She crawls over to me and hugs me. I tense and I REALLY want to knee her so she will get off of me but now is my chance.

"Maybe a little." I try to hide the venom in my voice but it didn't work very well.

"Awwww. Are you mad? I could cheer you up." She kisses my neck. 'Get off get off get off get off get off. Is the only thing running through my mind. She continues to kiss my neck then kisses up to my jaw. 'Gross. ew. I will punch you so hard. get off. ew. stop. Don't touch me.'

"Yeah?" I ask. My voice is tight with anger and strained with the effort to try to hide the anger in my voice.

"Mmmhmm." She kisses my cheek and then lips. I tense even more and my muscles strain in anger. I don't kiss back.

"Wait." I look at her clown-like face, caked in different types of makeup. If she is so obsessed with her weight, she could easily loss at least ten pounds be removing her makeup. The I look at the handcuffs restraining me to the bed. "Can you remove these? They are getting in the way."

"Mhmm. Sure baby. I'll be right back." When she leaves the room, I shudder and bring my shoulder up to my mouth and wipe her spit and makeup off my face. When she comes back, she straddles my hips and starts unlocking the locks. Yes! I'm almost free. Hurry up bitch.

"There you-." She starts to say after she unlocks the other set of handcuffs from my handsbut I shove her off the bed and push up against the wall. I death glare her and her eyes fill with fear.

"Don't you ever fucking touch me again bitch." I push her harder against the wall. "Ever." I growl and drop her. She falls to the floor and I run out the room.

"Nathan!" She screeches. I swear her voice is more deadly than Will's whistle. "Get him." I pass a female which I guess was a maid. She screams and tries to protect herself with a basket of clothes. I have no idea where I am going but I end up finding a stair case and run down it. I turned a sharp corner and ran into something. No, someone. Then a pain erupts in my stomach and I fall to the ground. I clutch my side. I look at my finger tips and see that they are stained red and my shirt is soaking up blood.

"Where do you think you were going?" A male asks and crouches next to me. It's Nathan.

"I was just leaving until a stupid ass man-whore decided to stab me." He stood up.

"Wrong answer." he kicks my side, where he stabbed me and the pain got worse. Spots danced around in my vision.

"No!" A girl screeched. "I told you to get him, not stab him!" Bridgit screams. She runs over to me and tries to touch me. I kick her leg and she falls. The three inch heels she was wearing snapped.

"My new heels!" She yelled.

"To bad." Nathan says. " He was going to run out and call the cops on us."

"Well if he did, we might have gotten in trouble for kidnapping. Now it is murder." Bridgit yells at him.

"Then we will make sure no one finds out. Go grab some rope, towels and bleach." She walks away complaining about her heels.

"What? Are you going to do us all a favor and drink bleach?" I ask in a sarcastic tone.
( If you are suicidal please do not take this to account, this is only for the story and I am not telling you to take your life. You are important and you are strong enough to get through your rough situation and it will get better.)
-return to story below-
Time skip

They tie my up and ropes and put me in the trunk of a car. I try to kick out a taillight but my side screamed every time I moved and I was to weak. I can hear the loud conversation they are having and the hum of the car engine. They drove for at least an hour of two and I tried to count how many left and right turns they did but my body was shutting down from blood loss, so the numbers got mixed up in my head. I felt the smooth concrete road turn to gravel and the road turned bumpy. The finally pull over to the side of the road and stop the car.

They get me out of the trunk and shove me to the ground. We are out in the middle of no where. We are on a dirt road and we are surrounded by a thick forest. The cool night air made me shiver. They start to walk back into their car.

"We are going to be in so much trouble." Bridgit says.

"No were not. We are out in the middle of no where on an abandoned road. No one will find his body. Sorry you couldn't have him but now I can have (Y/N) all to myself. She'll be so upset and run right into my arms" I laugh but then start coughing. 

"Eh. It's okay. I heard that a new senior is coming and that he is so hot." I watch as they get in their car and drive away. I wait a few minutes, to make sure they are not coming back, and fade into the shadows.

The last thing I can make out is a blurry image of someone laying on my bed. I fall to the floor.


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