Chapter 48

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Your POV
I was running through the woods, well at least trying to. I kept tripping and falling and it was hard to run when you can barley breath.

A girl named Alyssa help me escape. She was one of Lucy's sisters but when she turned mad, Alyssa got scared of her. When Lucy asked Alyssa to join her and her mom, she was to scared to say no. She found out what they were doing to me and cut my chains. She also found my sword. It was cursed so it wouldn't return to my pocket but she did a counter curse.(Harry Potter. No? Okay.)
She took us to a back entrance through a supply closet that no one used any more and that's when we made our escape. The natural light blinded me. I haven't seen light in so long, let alone the sun. It started to warm me up, giving me a little strength. She said we were somewhere in north Pennslyvania, which means we have to go through New York and Connecticut to get to Rhode Island, where camp is. Camp. Gods I missed camp but it made me sad. It made me think of all the good times I had with Nico, that I can never do again. 

We reached a small town surrounded by farms and horse ranches. There was a Seven Elevn down the street. Alyssa tricked them into giving us food and the manger really wanted us to have his car a few minutes after he gave us food.

He gave us the keys and we high tailed it out of there before he changed his mind and called the cops.
"Do you even know how to drive." Alyssa asks me. "Cause I don't and I'm to young."

"Petty much and I think I'm old enough to drive a car."

"You think."

I nod. " I don't know how long I was down there but I know it was at least a month. What day is is?"

"Uh." She thinks in her head. "February 24th."
I choke and started coughing. I turned the wheel and accidentally swerved into on coming traffic. I swerved back into our lane as the car laid on his horn.

"Are you serious?" I ask in disbelief. She just nods.

"Holy Hades!" I yell.

We don't really talk that much after that. She turns on the radio and I just drive in confusion as I listen to a bunch of new songs that I have never hear before.

'Cheap Thrills.' Sia
'Seven Years Old.'
'Stressed Out' 21 pilots
'No.' meghan trainor 
and a bunch of other songs.

Time skip.
 Two weeks ago we ran out of gas when we were a few miles away from Connecticut. We were about three fourths away through Connecticut when they found us. We were in a tree, I was sleeping and she was talking watch. I woke up to her screaming and there was smoke all around us. (Hunger Games. No? Sorry.) We jumped out of the tree and Alyssa yelped. Her ankle was in a pretty painful angle.

"Come on we have to go." I coughed, the dark smoke surrounding us.

"No, I'll just slow you down. Go on without me, I'll distract them while you run."

"No. You helped me and now I am going to help you." I put my arm around my waist to help support her.

She pushed me away. "No. I'm slowing you down. I'll make up an excuse, I'll be fine just go." I hesitated. "GO!" she pushed me and I started running as fast as my painful body would let me. I heard her scream something but I kept running with tears in my eyes. They got her too.

Another week later.
I stumble up the familiar hill with the tall pine, Thalia's tree. I have more cuts from running through the woods and tree limbs hitting my face and arms and getting in fights with a few rogue monsters here and there. As soon as I pass the boundary lines, where I finally knew I was safe, my knees buckled and a fell down the hill. I stopped rolling at the bottom of the hill, on my back with my sword laying beside me. As I laid on my back at the bottom of the hill, I stared at the sky. The sky was a clear blue and there were a few scatted clouds littering the sky. The sun baked down on me, warming my insides. My adrenaline finally stopped pumping and all the pain hit me at one. It covered my whole body and my vision became blurry. I closed my passed out, finally feeling safe, after almost seven months, in the sun.

Will's POV
I was finally allowed a break from the infirmary and I was told to do border patrol. Really? Border Patrol? I started at Zeus's fist, passed the creek and started walking up the Thalia's tree that stood on the top of Half-Blood Hill. I was about 10 feet away when I heard a twig snap. I quickly drew an arrow and crouched behind a tree. Then, a girl emerged from the woods and fell down the hill. She landed and the bottom, took a few deep breaths and passed out. When I got closer, I noticed she was dirty, covered with cuts and bruised and covered with dry blood. She was also very thin, not anorexic but definitely needed to put on weight.  A silver sword laid at her side with a trident by the hilt. As I looked closer at her face. It was swollen and had dark bruising and some cuts on it. You could barley recognize her but it was definitely her, the only daughter of Poseidon.

(Y/N) (Y/L/N) was alive. (Your name, your last name.) Her pulse was faint but it was there. Her breathing looked struggled and painful.

I picked her up carefully and rushed her to the infirmary. 

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