Chapter 37

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Nico's POV

I woke up in a soft, silver silk bed and my ribs hurt a little. I stand up and look around the room. No tent. There were two beds mine and...Abby's. Where's (Y/N)? Is she okay? Then memories of last night start to come back. The minotaur. (Y/N) fighting it. Then black and pain. Oh my Gods is she hurt. Did-did she d-die? She can't. Then it hits me like a truck. All the silver. How the tent looks exactly like the one I was in with my sister the night we were saved from Dr.Thorn.

The hunters.

I need to find (Y/N) now.

Then a girl with dark hair, a silver circuit, black death barbie shirt and silver pants. An old friend.

"Sup Death Breath." The girl hugged me. I hugged back.

"Thalia." I take a shaky breath. "As nice as it is to see you, where (Y/N)? (She knows about you just does not know you guys are dating yet)

She turns a little pale and her face puts on a serious expression. "She is in the infirmary tent."

"Is she okay."

She nods her head to the flap of the tent. "Come on, I'll show you."

When we exit the tent, it looks exactly the same. Silver tents lined up in a half circle around a fire. The white wolves were walking around the skirts of the camp and falcons in the trees as the watching eyes for far away. We pass a few tents until Thalia stops in front of one.

"She's in here." her voice sounded a little sad.

I peel away the flap and walk in. I am aware of everything, my blood went cold and I had a faint buzzing in my ears, like when someone is about to die or did die. There were beds filling it but only one was occupied. There laid a pale girl, almost as pale as the sheets, she looked weak and frail. They words that I just used to describe my girlfriend and best friends made me almost not recognize her.  I could feel that she used all her energy. I would know, I almost died doing that. My heart hurt seeing her like this.

I pulled up a chair and sat next to her bed. When I held her hand, it was colder than it should be.

I have no idea how long. Could have been hours or days.I heard the hunters go in and out of the tent to mend their injuries. When they saw me, they grumbled insults but I was to worried to snap back at them. Nor did I care. I only cared about (Y/N). Then a special visitor came that I could not ignore. I felt her presence so I stood up, faced her, and bowed in respect. 

"Lady Artemis." I said.

"Nico." said the thousand year old goddess that looked like a  ten year old. "You've grown."

I nod my head once and turn back to the bed. Artemis walked up beside me. "She is very brave determined and strong." I nod my head in agreement.

"She is also special. She risked her own life to save you and the other fair maiden Abby. Very special indeed." I nod my head but start to realize this conversation is going down hill. She wants her as one of her hunters.

I  my mouth and was about to ask her not to join but she beat me to it.

"I have to ask." she said. "I have to ask every maiden I come across to join." (I have no idea if this is true or not but it is in this story.)

I can't lose her. I can't lose her like I did my sister. She is the only person I have left and I need her.

Then (Y/N) shifted in her sleep and muttered something incoherent.

"I'll leave you to alone." the goddess said and she turned away.

I sat back down in my chair and ran my fingers through her (H/L) (H/C) hair. ( hair length and hair color.) She mumbled something again and her eye lids slowly fluttered open and I saw her beautiful green eyes that I missed. I put my hands on her cheeks and put my forehead to hers.

"I thought I lost you." I whispered so quietly, if she had not been so near me, she would not have heard it.

"You are not getting rid of me that easy." She whispered back in a weak voice. I released her face and grabbed a glass of nectar that one of the hunters left for her for when she woke up.

When she drank it, the color of her skin went from white to her golden tan, and I could sense that she was no longer weak or on the verge of dying. Thank the gods.

She told me what happened as she fought minotaur. Thalia came by and we hung out and laughed. We told stories of our old quest and she told us stories of her hunts that she did.

After a few hours, (Y/N) could stand and walk around. Thalia had to go for who know what. Then the goddess came back.

"(Y/N)?" she asked. "May I speak with you alone?"(Y/N) looked at me worryingly. I nodded to her to let her know it was okay. It wasn't okay to me. Oh no. Gods please no. This can't happen. This can't be happening. I need her. I love her and I will not lose her the same way I lost Bianca.

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