Chapter 15

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Nico's  POV

I just carried (Y/N) to her cabin. All I could think about is how she curled up to me and put her face in the crook in my neck during the truth or dare game. But of course, Lucy has to ruin it by making me do seven minutes in heaven. IN FRONT OF MY CRUSH! She kissed me the entire time but I never kissed back. Now I can only hope what I got (Y/N) for her birthday is what she would have wanted. I also hope she enjoys the birthday party demigod style.

Your POV

"Eh sista get up it chur birtdaaaayyyy"

I open my eyes to see Percy in front of me with a plate of pancakes and some orange juice.

"Really Persassy, breakfast in bed, now I feel like you want me to get fat."

"That's why afterwards you are going to archery and sword fighting with Nico."

"Wait, Nico hates and sucks at archery." 

"I'm hoping you can teach me." Nico says as he walks in to the cabin and over to your bunk.

"Fine but if you shoot anyone, I am totally going to laugh."

"Good because I'm am pretty sure I am going to get injured or end up shooting someone." he laughed.

Oh how I love his laugh. I start to eat my pancakes and when I am done, I get dressed for archery.

"Let's go birthday girl."

"You do know you don't have to call me that."

"Yep,but I'm going to call you that anyway."

I try to teach Nico archery for two hours, then we sword fight for two hours. He won 4 times, I won 4 times and we tied 5 times. Then lunch bell rang.

"You go get cleaned up at your cabin. Percy has a surprise for you at the beach. Don't go to the  dining pavilion."


I go to my cabin, take a shower and put on jean shorts, a camp shirt and put some makeup on my cuts so Percy and other people don't know. On my way to the beach, I have to walk by the Hecate cabin and yes you guessed it, Lucy saw me. She walked up to me and said "I warned you to stay away from Nico and not tell anyone." she smirked then started chanting. I fell to the ground not knowing if you are screaming or not. All I feel is pain. Again it feels like being frozen and burned at the same time but it is much worse. It also feels like your arms and legs are being torn from my body. You eyesight goes fuzzy and I thought that was it. I was done for. But it stopped. Your eyesight and hearing comes back slowly but you see Lucy on the ground and Nico death glaring her. I can feel the fear radiating of of Nico but I am not scared because it is directed to Lucy. I try to get up but I still have the after effects. Nico then stops and runs over to me and picks be up bridle style."Best birthday ever" I croak. He chuckled "The fun is not over yet." He carries me all the way to the beach. What an entrance. There is a picnic and Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Piper and Jason are there too."Care to answer why you are carrying my little sister." Percy said with an eyebrow raised. Nico set me down and sat beside me."Lucy." That is the only answer anyone needed. We ate our lunch and stayed there all the way until dinner.

That's when I find out the demigod style birthday. 

My favorite thing at camp.

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