Chapter 18

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Your POV

I wake up to sunshine in my face and it surprisingly warmer in here then it was. I go to get up but I find two strong arms wrapped around my waist. They are holding me gently like I am going to break but strongly, like I was going to fade away. I sigh softly because I know I am not getting off this bed until my best friend wakes up.

A half an hour later Will came in to check on you and said I could leave if I feel strong enough.Also that Nico has to see the bite mark to see if the hound was from the Fields of Punishments. And a few muttered curses because it is hard to check on a patient with arms in their way. I started to get bored to I asked a nurse to bring me a pen. They did not have any paper so I used what I could. One of Nico's arms. I did a wolf face, owl, and a picture of waves and swirls. I am so surprised Nico did not wake up.

It was almost lunch time when he finally came to. He let go of you to stretch and that's when I sat up. It hurt a little but not a lot. When you touched it, that's when it hurts. Nico didn't even ask about the pictures on his arm, I draw on his things all the time.

"Hey (Y/N)?" he asked while sitting up.


"I am going to have to look at the bite" he blushed "To see what kind of uh hellhound it is."

"It's fine" I roll up your shirt to like a centimeter above my bra. He has seen me in a bikini, what;s the difference.

He walks over to me and starts unwinding the bandages. When he is done his fingers linger around my waist, making me shiver a bit. I look at my waist to see three faint scars going down the right side of my waist and a bunch of red dots where the teeth went in. I can see that they are deep. Nico's eyes widen and looks back up at you.

"This is bad." He puts three of his fingers on three of the biggest dots and I flinch a little.

"Oh sorry." He looks at you apologetically. "These three dots are canine teeth. Regular hellhounds have one canine tooth on each side of there mouth so they have a totally of four canine teeth. A hellhound from the Fields of Punishments have a total of eight canine teeth. This hellhound has twelve. This one is the very first and oldest hellhound of all."

"That means what"

"That means you have to go to my dad's palace before it kills you. This one does not give up until its prey dies or it dies. It is very smart and very strong."

"Oh" I say in a small voice.

"Don't worry, you will be fine. They are all scared of my dad."

"That's not what I am worried about. But let's go IM your dad."

Tidel Wave Nico Di Angelo x Reader Where stories live. Discover now