Chapter 38

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Your POV
I never really thought about this until now. How come you can't get the attention of a god or goddess unless you are about to die or prove yourself to them. Like really, Percy got the attention of Poseidon because he realized he could be healed by water in his first capture the flag, after he got attacked by a hell hound. I got the attention of dad in a different way (You will see) and now I am walking around with a maiden huntress that looks like a ten year old in the middle of the woods. But only after I almost died. Go figure.
"I guess you are wondering why I have brought you out here."

"A little, yeah." I mean what else and I supposed to say. Plus she looks way younger than what she should be but is millions of years old. Sometimes I hate magic.

"When we first met,after your first quest, I sensed potential in you. You have proved yourself many times but this is the only real chance I have gotten the option to actually talk to you." She stopped walking and faced me. Her eyes seemed to always be reflecting the light of the moon, beautiful yet odd. (Because they silver, I think) "You are brave and you always put others before yourself.  You knew you could have died doing it but you risked your life to save the ones you love. That's why I would be honored and am asking if you would like to join my hunters."

Excuse me. "Join the hunters?"

"Yes. You would have immortality, unless you get injured in battle. All you have to do is swear off boys forever."

Immortality? That's pretty cool but I have already known the answer to this question for a long time now.
"I am very flattered but I am going to have to decline your offer." Immortality is pretty cool but I can't swear off boys.

"I see. It is because of your special friend. Nico Di Angelo."
I could feel myself blushing.
"Yes ma'am."

"I understand that you too have grown very close. I feel bad of what happened to his sister. You don't want to be another person that has left him."

"That's part of the reason. He has suffered so much and I don't want to put him through anymore. It is also because I love him. I can't really leave him or I'll hurt myself as well."

She nodded. "I understand." She looked passed my shoulder, to the camp. "You should get back. I have a feeling someone wants to talk to you." I turn around to see Thalia talking to Nico, sitting by a fire. Nico has a worried expression. "I am going to check out the minotaur."

"It did not disintegrate?"

"I'm afraid not, I sense some powerful magic on it." Then she walks further into the woods with a faint silver aura following her, clinging to her body.

I started walking back to the camp, to the fire. Thalia is no longer there. As I reach Nico, I put my arms around him from behind. One around his waist and one around his shoulders. Because he is sitting down, I could my face in the crook of him neck, which I did. I took long, deep breath, full of his scent, and exhaled it through my nose. He placed his hands over mine and we embraced each other in silence, looking at the fire.
He broke the silence after a little bit. "I'm guessing she asked you to join." His voice was so full with so many emotions I couldn't tell which ones he was feeling but I have ideas.
"She did."
"But...I said no."
"Oh really?" He asked while staring at the fire. I hear the amusement in his voice.
He then turned his head and caught my lips with his.
"And why is that?" He softly said in a low, husky voice.
"I didn't think I could live without my little annoying Ghost King."
"Yes mine."
"Well you better be mine."
"Always." I whispered in his ear.
Then we sealed another kiss.

OOOOOOOMMMMMMMMGGGGGGSSSSSSSS. I am sooooooooo sorry. Writers block plus an angry brother leads to another broken computer and no update. I will try to update more often.

Sorry again.

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