Chapter 46

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Your POV

When the blinding light came, I closed my eyes, and, the person behind me lowered their guard. I grabbed the arm that was holding the knife at my throat and elbowed them in the gut with the other. I twisted the knife arm behind their back and pushed them on the ground. When the light finally dimmed, I opened my eyes and grabbed my sword from the ground. The little girl was gone and the girl that attacked me ran off. 

Then the laughing started. It was bone chilling, like nails on a chalk board. The air somehow felt colder. The torches started going out ,one by one, leaving Nico and I in darkness. We stood back to back ,our shoulders and hips touching and our guard up. The laughing continued and got louder. The sound of shuffling echoed of the walls in the darkness so we had no idea where it was coming from. Then silence. The laughing and shuffling stop but we could hear the breaths that didn't belong to either Nico nor me.

The torches re-lit all at one time. It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the sudden light. We were surround. Monsters of all kinds we in a circle around us. Hellhounds, cyclops, empousa, dracaena and a couple others. A loud and sharp clap cut through the silence. The monsters in front of me parted to two sides so it formed a walk way. Two figures were walking towards us, one slightly taller than the other. As they got closer, the light started to light up their features, long, dark hair, pale skin, smirking lips and narrow nosed. The light finally reached one the taller girls' whole face.

The taller one had mysterious black-purple eyes and sharper features. She turned her head to look at the smaller girl behind her. "My daughter, you have done well." Then she walked up to me and cupped my face with one of her hands, digging her sharp nails into my skin. I tried to speak or raise my sword but the words caught in my throat and my sword suddenly felt like it weighed 100 pounds. I couldn't move.

"Don't you dare touch her." Nico growled and leved his sword at her chest.

"Oh my dear Nico." The girl said. "You don't understand. I did this as a prayer from my daughter."

"Who is your daughter?" Nico asks. 

The second figure moved forward, out of the shadows. Ugh. It makes no since. Why? How? She tricked us. That bitch. It was Lucy. Then if this girl is calling her her daughter, it must be Hecate, Goddess of magic.

"I am pretty sure you know who it is.Either you can break up with her." She nodded towards me and dug her nails deeper into my neck. " and date Lucy,or you both can die trying to fight your way out."

"Ha. Never gonna happen." Nico snarled.

"As you wish." Hecate smiled, removed her hand from my neck and clapped her hands twice. I was finally able to move again as a hellhound went to pounce on me. I made a wide deadly arc over my head and turned to dust, showering onto me.

Nico's POV

Their is no way I am going to date Lucy, let alone break up with (Y/N). This bitch is out of her mind. Just as a hellhound pounced at you, an dracaena jabbed at me with a sword. I sidestepped and hit the hilt of her sword, knocking it out of her hand and it clattered to the ground. With one slice of my sword in the chink of her armor, and she disintegrate into a pile of yellow dust. (Y/N) was fighting with an empousa and the empousa was about to swing at your head. ( like decapitate your head which is cutting of your head if you didn't know.) 

"33." I yelled out one our plans. (Y/N) ducked and just as I planned, the empousa tried to swing at her head. (Y/N) then jabbed her sword into the monster's stomach and disintegrated with a high pitched shriek. She smiled at me as to say thank you, then went to fight another hellhound. We killed at least 20-30 monsters but we were still surrounded. I left my eyes off of you for not even a minute so I could finish of a cyclops that came up from behind me. Not even a minute and then I heard you scream. I turned around just in time to see Hecate pull a hilt deep sword out of your stomach and you fell to the ground.

I ran over to your side, forgetting about the cyclops I was fighting. Your warm, tan skin was already going pale and cold. You coughed and blood came out of your mouth.

"No." I cried, tears spilled from my eyes. "No, you can't die on me." I cradled your head. "Please."

She lifted her hand and touched my face. "I love you." She said.

"I love you too." and I kissed your forehead. She slightly smile and closer her eyes, her hand slipped from my face.. My ears started ringing and I felt the sensation of death.

"No." I whispered. I checked your pulse. Nothing. I put my head on you chest, near your heart where I hear the steady beat when we cuddled. Nothing. 

"NO!" I yelled and through my sword across the room and it hit the wall. ( No it didn't break.) I sat on the ground by (Y/N)'s lifeless body and put my head in my knees, crying. Another person that I love, gone.

I was to busy crying to worry about the dozens of armed monsters behind me or hearing the footsteps approaching me. 

"This would have never happened if you would have just let her go. his is all your fault. Everyone you love dies because of you. You have only yourself to blame." Hecate said. And with that, she disappeared in bright light, I had to look away. When I opened my eyes, she was gone along with the monsters and your body. I was left alone in the chasm with a sword, filling the silence with my sobs.

_No this is not the end._ 

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