Chapter 45

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  Your POV
It was Lucy. She was on the ground crying and panting. Her hair was tangled and matted with blood. Her clothes were torn and dirty.  Honestly, she looked terrible, like a total reck.

"H-help m-me." She stuttered. "P-ple-ease."

"What are you doing here?" I asked without lowering my sword.

"I-i was going to v-visit my family a-and some monsters a-attacked us and they captured m-me and would.t let me g-go."

"And why would they want to capture you?"

"T-they were talking about some plan. Am a-army."

I reluctantly lowered my sword and helped her up. "Your waling in front of me." I said, putting my sword up near her back. "Don't try anything stupid."

We walked back to my camp in silence. Nico is still leaning against the tree, asleep peacefully. This is the most sleep he has had in a few days and I feel really bad waking him up but I had to.

"Nico." I whispered. He groaned. "Nico, wake up." I whispered again and shook his shoulders. He groaned and opened his beautiful dark eyes. He looked at me and slightly smiled then looked behind me. His eyes widened,grabbed his sword and stood up.

"What is she doing here." He growled. I slowly and gently grabbed his sword arm and lowered it. Lucy smiled at him

"Well..." Bah blah blah, you already know what happened , unless you wanna read again. ( If you want to, go back up a few paragraphs.^)

"Well, what army?" Nico asks.

"I don't know. A few moments after they started talking, the noticed me, beat me and chained me up. They didn't check on my for a few days so I picked the lock with magic and my all time favorite, a bobby pin." Then a stick snapped off to our right and shuffle of the leaves, like someone is running on them. I swore I saw Lucy smirk when she turned her head but when she turned her head back, her eyes were wide with shock. I guess I was wrong.

"Shit! They found me!"she gets up off the ground and motions for us to run to the left. "We need to go. Now."

"No. We should go right. They won't suspect us to go towards them and if they came from that direction, that means that's the direction that they are staying at. We could find out more information and report it back to Chiron." I whispered. Nico nodded and gestured at me.

"I agree with (Y/N). We could find out what's going on and they will just follow us until they find us and capture all three of us." Lucy sighed and followed us through the woods.

Nico and I stayed on the balls of our feet, for agility, balance, speed and helps you stay quiet. Lucy was STOMPING as LOUD as possible and I SWEAR to gods she was purposely stepping on every plant,stick and leaf she saw.

"That's it!" I whisper yelled. I turned around and got right in Lucy's face. "Either you stop making so much noise or gods so help me I will drive my sword in between your eyes. It's like you want them to find or follow us. Now shut the Hades up!" I turned back around and walked beside Nico again. Lucy's smirk turned into a glare as Nico wrapped his arm around (Y/N)'s waist.

Blah blah blah. Trees, walking, Lucy being mad. * spongebob narrator thing * 'Two hours later

The forest opened up to a giant clearing. Uuuhhh. Nico's hand slid of my waist and rested on the hilt of his sword hanging by his side. There was a small crack,maybe 6-7 feet tall and 4-5 feet wide.It looked like that it led into the side of a hill. Surrounding it was a few boulders and 5 huge ass giants wielding spiked clubs and spears. No way that we are just going to stroll right up to the entrance.

"There are to many or them to attack. They are also stronger than us. We are going to have to sneak past them to get in." Nico said.

"We can keep close to the boulders. It will give is cover until about the last 8-10 feet. Then we will have to make a run for it." I responded.

"Uhh." Lucy sounded kind of nervous. "As you can tell, I'm not very good at staying quiet and I'm not a fast runner either. I'll never make it. I'll stay out here and be your look out and maybe try to distract them with spells and throwing things."

Nico and I looked at each other and had a silent conversation. That's how close we are. We correspond with each other, partners in crime, as the Stolls call us, that's why they don't prank us or Percabeth that often. We both agreed to Lucy staying look out but we both knew that either of us didn't trust her very well.

Nico pulled his sword from out of the shadows and I uncapped mine. We ran the the closed boulder and pressed out back to it. Lucy darted into the wood and a rock hit one of the giants in the head. Most of them started to wonder into the woods and Nico and I darted to the next boulder. We continued this until we reached the last boulder. One giant was standing 20 feet off to our left and the entrance was 9 feet in front of us. we were crouched on the right of the boulder to be hidden from the giant and so we could make a straight run into the entrance.

I crouched down and grabbed a fist sized rock and looked at Nico. He knew I was a faster runner than him and that I should go after him. He nodded, knowing my plan, and prepared himself to run. I threw the rock as hard as I could and hit a fallen thee about 50 feet away. The giant grunted and started walking away, shaking the ground as he went. Nico dashed across and blended himself into the shadows. The giant still had his back to us, staring at squirrel. Gods they are stupid. That's when I ran. I was about 2 feet from the entrance when the squirrel ran off and the giant started to turn around. Shit! I launched myself off ground and dived into the cave. 

Nico helped me up. We were surrounded by dark wall that led only one way. Down and straight. As we walked, the air got colder, it got darker. The narrow tunnel went at least a half a mile until it opened into a huge chasm. Torches lined the cavern walls and a little girl was sitting in the middle of the room on her knees, crying.

"Hello?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

The little girl just sobbed.

Nico's POV

The little girl kept crying. I sheathed my sword and walked slowly behind the girl, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Ah." Someone yelped from behind me and something clattered on the floor. I turned around and saw (y/n) wrapped in a girls arms with a knife at her throat and he sword on the floor. The little girl behind me started laughing creeply.

"You have done well my daughter." And then a bright light came and I covered my eyes.

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