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I understand that most of the writing in this book is very poor. Most of the plots are unclear or unfinished and is hard to understand. I am a very young author and I wrote this book when I was around 12 or 13. I have since grown up and my writing has become a little better but it is not the best around.

I have gotten a lot of good feedback from you guys and how you guys enjoy this story. I understand that it needs a lot of editing and I will get around to it. I have not been updating because of school work and mid terms.

I recently got a comment/message from someone that I suck and that my writing is bad. I am not going to completely agree or disagree because my writing does need work. I will not be naming their username or name for the sake of their privacy. I do not mind constructive criticism that will help extend or further my writing skills but I do not like getting 'hate' or harsh comments.

I do not want to make myself seem like a victim or calling someone out. I can take rude and mean comments because I do not care about what others think, but some take it close to heart.I actually wanted to make this before but now I have an even better reason to. I just want people when they read a book and it is not the greatest or it needs some work, please do not comment or write 'This sucks' or 'Your writing is awful.' I want you guys to say 'Hey, I like your book idea but it could have a little work done to it, do you want me to help you?' Or something nice you liked about it or something positive.

Some writers on here are amazing but no one starts out like that. We are all aspiring authors and we don't just start with perfect grammar or perfect books. We fumbling around with things and our writing expands and gets better as we grow and mature. Most people know that but other do not. I just wanted to make that clear. There are kids and young teens excited to write on here and get their creativity put and then they are put down because they are getting comments saying that their writing is bad.

I just wanted to make this because I have seen so many books that have so much potential with so much bash against the author that they quite writing and cancel the book. So please, realize that not everyone on here is an adult and that there are people drugging on here. You never know that person that you insulted is the next best seller.


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