Chapter 21

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Your POV

Nico led me to a huge room with ever changing torches. They turn every color and some I have never even seen before. It was beautiful. Nico left to go get food from the kitchen. Leaving me alone in the dining room. So I pulled out a chair and sat down. 

"Ah so you must be the girl."

I turn around to see Persephone standing a few feet away from me.

" I guess so." I reply.

"I have noticed Nico has taken great notice to you."

"Um.. I guess."

"Well this is the first time I have seen him smile since he was ten." She walked closer to me until we were standing face to face. "Don't ruin it for him."

I was not even fased, her husband likes me and so does his son, she can't hurt me without hurting Nico. "Not a chance." I have a crush on him, why would I hurt him.

"She whispered in my ear "I know you like him." I could feel my face heat up, the blush coming onto my face. 


"Oh honey I know love when I see it. You look at him Annabeth looks at Percy." She didn't say anything about Nico liking me which made my heart hurt.

"By the way, I like you, how you stay strong and happy even after the things that happended with your dad. But, if you hurt Nico or betray him, I will find you. I am the queen of the underworld, I can give out punishments too."

I gulp. "O-of c-course." I manage to get out through my fear.

She smiled. "Good now enjoy your stay."

Just as she left the room Nico came into the room with a tray of (Y/F/F). ( your favorite food)

He set a plate ( or bowl depending on what food) in front of me.

"Thanks Neeks." 

He scowled at his nickname but replaced it with a smile.

We finished eating and decided to play Call of Duty. He only had one controller so we had to take turns. We were both sitting on his bed. I have to admit, I was pretty good at this game but I din't tell him because it was cute when he was 'teaching' me on how to play. He went first and passed the first level. Then it was my turn and I passed the next level. It went on like this for a while but Nico had better ideas. After when I died, he pulled me onto his lap, my back to his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, put his chin on my head and started playing. He was so warm and I was getting tired so I leaned back on him and closed my eyes.

After a while he whispered my name but I did not reply. He chuckled and shifted gently so he did not ' wake me up'. Then he picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room. He put me on the bed and tucked me in. Then did something surprising, he kissed me forehead and left the room, closing the door with a quiet 'click'. 

I smiled. I mean who can't smile when their crush does something that cute.

Then I feel to sleep with the cute thoughts on my mind.

Tidel Wave Nico Di Angelo x Reader Where stories live. Discover now