Chapter 50

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OMGS GUYS CHAPTER 50! WOW! I never thought I would have this many chapters.

Percy's POV (You were not expecting that were you?)

I was sitting at dinner, in which Annabeth forced me to come, pushing my food around with my fork. Annabeth now looked at me all the time like I was breaking, which I was. I finally had a sister. I always had wanted one and I finally got one. We were as close as siblings could possibly be, we were family. Ana now she is gone. She's been gone for a while now. I would have cared if Poseidon had another child and sent them here, I wanted (Y/N).( don't worry, Poseidon does not have another kid.) It took almost 2 years to gain her trust, my mom loves her and both her and Paul treat her like their own. The seven all treated her like another member of the family, because she was and she always will be. Also, Nico finally found someone. Somehow she broke down his barriers and got the friendly part of him back that I have not seen since Bianca died. He smiled because of her, he laughed because of her and they look at each other like Annabeth and I do. All of that changed right before my eyes. It changed me as well.

I didn't feel like laughing or smiling. I didn't want to crack jokes as often. I wasn't in the mood to train either. Annabeth kept forcing me to eat, train and laugh. It wasn't working very well. I could tell that my bad mood was starting to effect her too. Even though she tried to force feed me, I still lost some weight. I could see pain in her eyes because of these reasons. I didn't want to be a cause of he being upset, I just didn't know how to stop, didn't know hoe to just be okay and accept the fact that my only sister is dead. After we burned her shroud, the seven sat in the Poseidon cabin ans recited memories that we had with and of her.

"Remember when she got claimed, your face was priceless." Annabeth said and I slightly smiled from the memory.

It was breakfast time and a shy little girl was sitting at the end of the Hermes table, avoiding everyone who tried to talk to her. She was pretty short for a 12 year old and it was pretty cute. She has been a camp for a week now. Then the two Stoll brothers came up from behind her with a big bucket. I forgot about the Stolls' whole 'celebratory newbie prank.'It's where they dump a bucket of really cold ice water on you in front of everyone. I felt really bad because she was shy and hasn't said a word to anyone yet. I was about to warn her and try to stop it but they already dumped the bucket. The water stopped mid-air.She was completely dry. She looked up from her food, anger in her eyes and stood up. The Stolls got scared. Her arms were clenched tight to her sides, shaking, with clenched fists. The water moved again but not down, it moved up. It drenched the Stolls, head to toe, with cold water. She was still mad but when she realized what happened and that everyone was staring at her, she turned a dark shade of red with embarrassment, and sat back down trying to look as small as possible. Everyone then looked to me, silently asking if I did it. I didn't even have to answer the question. I green trident was floating above your head.

"All hail (Y/N) (Y/L/N), daughter of Poseidon, God of the seas, maker of horses and the earth shaker." Chiron announced. I stood up in a daze. I had a sister? I have always wanted a sister. She walked over to my table and sat on the other end of the bench I was on. Her face was still red, maybe darker if that was possible.

" Hi,i'm Percy Jackson." I said kindly. She didn't say anything.

"I guess were siblings. I have always wanted a sister." No reply. I sat closer to her.

"You know you don't have to be shy around me." I put a hand on her shoulder. She tensed and pushed me away. I was about to say sorry and ask if she was okay but she stood up and ran into the woods. I must have looked hurt because Chiron looked at me sadly, so did Annabeth.

"That was also the night I met (Y/N) that night." Nico said.
Nico's POV

I was in the middle of the woods looking for something to fight. I was bored and because I didn't eat much, I skipped breakfast and decided to come out here. I heard a twig snap behind me and I swung my sword.

"What the hell!" A girl screamed at me. She was a little shorter than me and had beautiful light sea green eyes. She was pretty. She was on the ground with a cut on her cheek.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry." I stuck out my hand but she back up until she hit a tree.

"I'm not going to hurt you again." I said, putting my sword back in the sheath.

"Promise?" she asked me. I nodded. She let me help her up. Blood from the cut was running down her face to her chin.

"Uh, sorry again about hurting you. Let me help you."  I tore a piece of my already ruined shirt, from a previous fight, put some nectar on it from a flash I had and rubbed it again her cheek. She blushed and looked down. The cut started to heel and I cleaned the blood off her face.

"Thanks." She mumbled. She looked really cute when she blushed. No. There is no way I could, Nico Di Angelo, the Ghost King, son of the king of the Underworld, could have a little tiny crush on someone I just met.

"No problem. It was the least I could do." I stuck out my hand. "I'm Nico Di Angelo." I didn't say who my godly parent was so I didn't scare her away. She took my hand and shook it.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)."
I spend the next few hours with her by showing her around camp and both of us making sarcastic remarks about things and each other

Piper's POV
I smiled at Nico's story of how he and (Y/N) met. It was cute. It kind of reminds me of when I first met her.

I just got back from a quest with. We had to go get a new camper named Ted. (This is the guy that now always flirts with you and you hate him. Just in case you forgot.) I went in Percy's cabin trying to find Annabeth to help me with something but what I found surprised me. A girl was sitting ,with her back to me on the floor, saying something to the son of Hades. He smiled wide and started laughing. Nico? Laughing? No way.

"Uh. Is Annabeth here?" I asked. Nico stopped laughing and the girl turned around. Her eyes reminded me of Percy's but they were a lighter shade.

"I think they are practicing." the girl said in a small voice.

"I'm going to go talk to Hazel about something. I'll talk to you later." Nico said and he left the cabin.

"I haven't seen you here before. I'm Piper."

"(Y/N)" She said.

"Are you new to camp?" I ask.

"Yeah. I just got here about a month ago."

"Not to be rude or anything but are you here looking for Percy or Annabeth? Percy doesn't really like people in his cabin and not know about it."

She blushed. "It's fine. Uh. Actually I'm his sister. Well, half sister I guess."

"Really? That's great! Percy has always wanted a sister. It's also amazing that you got Nico to laugh. Especially since you have only been here for a month. That's great!" She blushed even darker and I smiled. I could tell that she kind of like the son of Hades.

"Well I'm going to go find Annabeth." I said. "Bye, nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too." She said and I left the cabin."

"No way. She liked me all the way back then too?" Nico asked. " I really am oblivious."

"At least you aren't as bad as Percy. It took him four years and two kisses for him to realize that I like him."

"Hey!" Percy said when he finally realized that Annabeth called him oblivious. "In my defense, you acted like you hated me."

"That's only because I thought you like Rachel." Annabeth said.

"Ha. You were oblivious to me liking you too."

"Can you guys just both shut up. This is supposed to be about (Y/N), not your love life." I said.

"Wow." Leo exclaimed. "A daughter of Aphrodite who doesn't want to talk about Percabeth."

"Shut up Leo." Jason said.

Percy's POV
After we stopped bickering, we went back to talk about (Y/N).

"Remember when she almost drown Mr. D?" Hazel asked.

"Yeah. I almost had to give him CPR." I shuttered. "When he woke up he was so mad, he wanted to turn her into a bottle of wine but Chiron stopped her."

"Oh yeah! And when she shot Clarisse in the butt with an arrow." Frank said.

"Us Poseidon kids must have something against her." I said.

I was still sitting at my table replaying the memories in my head when Will ran up to me, stopping my thoughts.

"What's wrong Will?" Annabeth asks.

"Infirmary. Isolation." Pant. "(Y/N). Alive." Will panted out of wind, not making full sentences. He didn't have to, I understood.
"Annabeth, go tell the others and Chiron when he get's back." I ran to the infirmary and asked a nurse.

"Where's (Y/N)?"

"Second door on the left."

There she was. She looked horrible but I didn't care about that at the moment. I started crying at that fact that she was actually here, at camp, in the infirmary, alive, breathing, cuddling Nico, and I didn't want to kill him.

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