Chapter 13

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Your POV

I was about to slide the cool blade across my left wrist but the door to my cabin slammed open. Nico saw what I was doing. He didn't say anything. He gently grabbed my right hand, took the blade and hugged me. I could sense a tear going down his face but I didn't say anything.

"Why?" he asked "Why are you cutting?" "Why are you marking your beautiful skin?"

I just sat there. I didn't say anything.

"Look at me." I didn't move.

He pulled back from the hug and put his hand on your chin so you had to look him in the eye.

"I did it too"

He rolled up his sleeves to his jacket and there were tons of scars, not just from practice or monsters.

"My stepdad" I croaked "My stepdad would abuse me."

He grabbed my left arm and ran his fingers across my scars and my new ones.

I hissed

"These are years old. These ones are only are new." He looked back up at me but didn't move his hand. "You stopped before. Why did you start again."

I took a deep breath and sighed, "Lucy from the Hecate cabin curse me to have dreams and visions of my stepdad."

"Why would she do that?"

"She wanted me to stay away from you, and if I told you, she would do a pain spell on me that would kill me."

He grabbed my arm a little tighter, like I were going to run away. "That's why you were avoiding me?" I nod.

"(Y/N)" he said softly but with force. "I will not let anyone hurt you. You should have told me."

I hug him into a deep embrace. "Thank you."

He wraps his arms around my waist tightly.

"Why did you cut?" I asked muffled by his warm chest.

"When my sister died, I felt like a loner and that no one cared for me and so did a place that i will not name.."

"How did you stop?"

"I met a girl." He took my chin again. "Who was my sunshine. She made me happy and warm again. She mad me smile after two years. She made me feel wanted. She helped with the nightmares. Every time I wanted to cut, I would go and talk to her." he said in his angelic deep voice.

I smile again because I remember those times, he would be sad but never tell me. We would talk, and he would leave smiling.

"How many do you have?" he asked


"Scars. How many scars do you have?"

"27" I pause "How many do you have?"

"54 I think."

I held him tighter. He went though a lot but he never told me.

Then a knock came to my door. "Hey (Y/N) the truth or dare party is starting."

"You still want to go?" he asked.

"Sure it will get my mind of things."

You both get up and walk to the most dangerous cabin out of all. The Aphrodite cabin.

Tidel Wave Nico Di Angelo x Reader Where stories live. Discover now