Chapter 49

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Will's POV
I put (Y/N) in an isolation room because she had so many injuries and it seemed like she was sick and I didn't need that spread through the infirmary.Her pale skin was covered with old yellowish and green bruises and new, black and blue, bruises. She had a long, deep cut that went from her right collarbone, across her back, and down to her left hip. She also had a deep cut on her left forearm that ran from her wrist to the crease of her elbow. Both of them were badly infected, probably the cause of her being sick and would definitely leave scars. The infection made her skin clammy, she was burning with a fever but was shivering, making it seem like she was sick. Whip lashes were covering her back but were not as deep and I could heal them so they would not leave scars.

I love my job at the infirmary but not this much. (Y/N) wouldn't let any nurses or doctors (pretty much the whole Apollo cabin)near her. If any of us got close to her, she would curl in a corner with her knees drawn up to her chest crying. Even unconscious no one could get near her. I tried multiple times and had my nose broken multiple times. At night, she would wake up the other patients, screaming and crying, because of nightmares. I tried to put in an IV so I could give her fluids,pain medication, and medication to help with her fever and medication for the infection but when she curled up in a ball, it shoved it deeper in her arm and caused her even more pain. Because of that, she got scared of the sight of a needle and wouldn't let anyone put a new one in.  She wouldn't eat and she would stay up as long as possible, because she was scared of the nightmares, and she pass out. Not even a few hours later, she would wake up screaming. She definitely has PTSD and maybe even anxiety. She needs serious help. What happened to her? What happened to the old (Y/N) that always smiled and laughed?

I had one of my sisters try to calm her down while I went to check my other patients, one of them was Nico Di Angelo. He passed out a few days ago from lack of sleep, food and blood loss. I have been giving him unicorn draught, put a IV in his arm, sleep medication and a liquid from the Morpheus cabin to help with his nightmares. It helped for the most part but his eyebrows were creased and he would sometimes whimper and cry. He should wake up pretty soon.

No one has had time yet to inform the seven that (Y/N) has returned and is in the infirmary. All of us are to busy trying to calm her down so we can heal her. Chiron was at Olympus talking to Zeus and the other Gods about the whole Hecate thing so we couldn't really tell him either. Mr. D wouldn't really care if we told him. Anyway, he is on Olympus too with Chiron. After checking my other patients, I went back to (Y/N)'s room to try to calm her down again.

Nico's POV
I woke up in an all white room, to someone screaming down the hall. A bunch of nurses were surrounding one of the isolation rooms, freaking out, but not really doing much. Will emerged from the room with a bloody towel on his nose and muttering something under his breath. I got up slowly from the bed and went towards the room.

"No! Nico! You are not allowed back there!" Will yelled somewhere behind me but I ignored his protest. The doctors and nurses were doing nothing and I wanted to know why. He grabbed my shoulders from behind but I shook him off and opened the door.

"Nico you ar-" His voice drowned out in my head. I didn't know how to react. I didn't know if I should be happy that she was here or sad at the condition she in. I chose both. There she was, crying and screaming in the corner of her bed. I slowly walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge of it, not knowing what to do. Then she looked up at me. He usual light green eyes that sparkled with happiness were now dark and dull. Her eyes were red from crying and she was covered with bruises and cuts. She launched herself at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I hugged her back gently and started crying along with her.

"How the hell did he do that?" I heard Will mutter and he walked away.

Your POV
I felt someone sit on my bed and I looked up, ready for it to be someone who wanted to hurt me, and what I saw was impossible. His familiar long, dark, silky hair, beautiful brown, almost black, eyes. He was pale and lost a lot of weight but I didn't care, I love him. I launched towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my back. The cut burned from the contact but I couldn't care less. He was here. Here in my arms, alive. 

"I-I thought you were dead." we both said at the same time.

I pulled my head from his neck and he cupped my face with is hands. I wrapped mine around his wrist, staring into his eyes. We came closer and brushed out noses again each other's. Then or lips collided.  At first it was slow but then became needy. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance. It ran a pleasant shiver down my spine and parted my lips almost immediately. I removed my hands from his arms and moved them to tangle in his soft hair. As I tugged on a piece of hair, he moaned. I needed this. I needed this to drink in the fact that he really was here. We slowly pulled away from the kiss but we were not ready to let each other go. He kissed the crown of my head, them my cheek, then my neck sweetly.
"I love you." He said
"I love you too."
 We kissed for at least another 10 minutes and then Will came back in. I tensed and cuddled closer to Nico and buried my head in his chest.

"Shhh baby. It's okay. He's not going to hurt you, I promise." I didn't like the fact of Will touching me but, he let Nico stay with me so I would stay calm, so I let him. Will had Nico look away so he could clean and stitch up the cut on my back. I had to take of my shirt and roll down the waist band of my shorts. Nico held my hand and was looking away with a dark red face. I couldn't help but give a little smile at that. My face muscles hurt from not using them in such a long time.

After Will stitched up my arm and back, he gave me ambrosia, nectar, pain, infection and sleeping medication. I curled up to Nico with my head and hands on his chest and his wrapped around my waist. I could feel his heart beat under my palm. We both fianally fell into a peaceful sleep.

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