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The lecturer's late. Looking at the watch, most decided to wait for another 10 minutes before assuming the lecture is cancelled. After all, it's the university's policy that if any lecturer's late for 30 minutes and above without notice, students are not expected to wait. This university definitely placed high regards on punctuality for everyone. As it was, everyone was currently doing their own thing. Some revising their notes in case of a pop quiz, some trying to sleep and some other having conversations with their friends.

Jaejoong, of course, was doing none of that. At the far back of the hall, he's fidgeting non-stop, eyes always coming back to his wrist watch every few seconds with a conflicted expression.

"Yah Kim Jaejoong! What's wrong with you? And where's your best-friend? I think this is the first time the Ice Prince skipped lectures." Someone finally asked, having noticed there was no Ice Prince at his usual spot in the front.

Jaejoong inhaled slowly as if pained... which sadly, not that far from the truth. "Yunhoyah's sick."

The small group of four broke into laughters. "No wonder you look like that!"

"I should've known that's the reason he's worried sick. Tsk." Another piped in from the left seat, snickering. "But wow. I just know even the Ice Prince can get sick. I always thought he's immune to sickness."

Cue another laughing fit.

Jaejoong frowned. "Hey... Why are you guys laughing? Yunhoyah's really sick. His temperature this morning was 37.9 okay. That's really high and he's all alone in his apartment. I'm so worried. He's never sick like this before."

Donghae, Kangin, Siwon and Seung Hyun shook their head but said nothing as the lecturer finally entered the hall, apologizing for the wasted time while Jaejoong sighed in frustration. He'd been fervently praying for Mr Baek to be absent because he wanted to go and check up on his best-friend. To be honest, he doesn't even want to attend today's lecture but what can he do? Everyone's supposed to present their assignment today and since Yunho can't make it, Jaejoong had to do it alone.

They always work together and there's simply no way Jaejoong's going to skip today's lecture when their assignment carry a 20% mark, a big enough amount that would definitely mar Yunho's perfect CGPA if both of them were absent. He's sure Mr Baek would allow him to present alone if he told him about Yunho's condition. After all, the man always play favourite when Yunho's involved. But who wouldn't? While Yunho rarely interact with his peers, the man's always responsive during lectures and going the extra miles with his work.

"First presentation! Where's Jung Yunho? Kim Jaejoong?"

Jaejoong stood up, slowly stepping down the stairs. He usually played a passive role in presentation, always overshadowed because he feel awkward but he had to try his best today. Yes...

He's going to nail this for Yunho.


"Yah Jaejoong! Where do you think you're going? We have another lecture at the other building in like 7 minutes!"

"I had to leave. I'm gonna borrow your notes later, can I? Or if she's feeling generous and shared her PP presentation again I'll study them on my own I think." Jaejoong rambled on, not slowing his steps at all as a confused Donghae trailed after him. "I'm too worried. I can't focus. I better go check on Yunho. He hadn't replied my texts or answered my calls. If he's just sleeping like I told him to do, then I'm just gonna stay anyway. I'm sure he's gonna be hungry some time soon. I better cook some soup for him."

Startled at the information, Donghae stopped walking and started to laugh. "Wow Jaejoong. Talk about a committed housewife!"

It's almost comical how Jaejoong froze midstep in the middle of the hallways and mechanically turned around. His eyes wide and mouth gaping.

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