Give & Take

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"Why are you still worried?" Yunho fondly questioned, kissing the top of Jaejoong's hair in hope of calming his beloved a little. But of course, no chance.

Fixing the babies position, Jaejoong whispered. "Do you really want to do it now, Yunhoyah? Can't we postpone this?"

Yunho sighed, taking a seat next to Jaejoong's bed. "J, Love... We already talked about this. I agree with the pregnancy and you agree to let me have the surgery. You can't afford to get pregnant again. Not after everything. We can't test our luck again, J."

"But I read online vasectomy can have some negative effect in the future! What if there's infection? Or what if it cause cancer?!"

Yunho chuckled, unable to help himself. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Nurse Im's amused smile. "J, Love, we talked about this. You know you have nothing to worry about, right? Even Nurse Im's probably berating us for making such a big fuss over something so harmless."

His Jaejoong sighed, forlorn and dejected.

"You know it's just one quick procedure. I'll go in for hardly half an hour and I can already leave. You do know the only reason I wanted to be hospitalised is because I wanted to stay with you, right? Even Doctor Lee knew I have no reason to be warded after that simple surgery. I'm paying good money to share this room, with you, okay."

Jaejoong actually pinched his waist. "Not funny!" He was louder than intended but thankfully, their babies were blissfully full and deep asleep.

"Hey, who said I was joking huh?" Yunho smiled, looking at the watch. "Okay, I need to go now. I promise I'll be okay. You take care of yourself and our babies, okay? I'll be right back, I promise."

Jaejoong immediately grabbed his hand once he's done kissing each of his babies. His beloved's eyes getting tearful as he just stared at Yunho without saying anything.

"Hey, hey. It's okay."

"Yunhoyah, I- I don't know why I'm like this... But I'm scared. You'll be fine right?"

"Of course." Yunho kindly assured him yet again. He'd been warned long before this  to prepare for Jaejoong's sensitivity and emotional turmoil at least for a year after the birth. His beloved mostly handled things well but every now and then, he'll slip. Like last month, he woke up crying and screaming demanding to visit their baby girl's grave because he was sure she died a week before when they removed the machines. His episodes were rare and never make any sense to him but he followed the doctors' advice nonetheless. He made sure to never question Jaejoong but rather gently coax him to get him back on track and to reality. It's the least he can do really. Other than that, Nurse Im's been assigned to keep his beloved company at all times just in case he might unconsciously harm himself or their babies especially since their babies were allowed to stay with Jaejoong at all time.

"I'll wait for you." Jaejoong quietly promised. "Daddy and babies will wait for Appa so don't be late."

"Never." Yunho kissed the man's knuckles then turn around. He nodded to Nurse Im as he opened the door. He turned around, expression suddenly playful. "Oh. Love, think of the bright side. Once we're sure I'm no longer ejaculating sperm, at that time you're already healed and ready for sex. Isn't that great? I can't wait to make love to you again. This time, we can have as many repeat as we want." Yunho winked and Jaejoong reddened, terribly embarrassed.


JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now