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Yunho winced and closed the door, grumbling as he neared the man's bed. "Yes, yes. I'm here. Aish, can't you be patient a little?" It's all part of the show for normalcy. Trying to pretend nothing's wrong. "You don't even care for me anymore. Telling me to go right after you wake up."

"Yunhoyah, of course I care for you. I love both of you the most! I miss you so much too. But you can come and visit me, I can see you anytime. But I can't see our baby yet." Jaejoong smiled giddily. "You better take lots of pictures and videos of our baby."

Yunho tried to sulk but his beloved's excitement was too contagious. He ended up chuckling as he sat near Jaejoong and unlocked his phone. The man's still weak and not allowed to move much for at least a few more days but his condition seemed to improve greatly everytime he thought about their baby. He shone like never before. It made Yunho slightly jealous. Stupid and selfish, he knows. Yet, he can't help it.

"It's a he?" Jaejoong finally asked. He can't take his eyes off the screen at all even as Yunho helped zoom the picture. Since the babies are still weak and need support, Yunho can't get close to them. Some of the pictures are therefore unclear because of the distance.

"Yeah... Our baby boy."

"He's so tiny..."

Yunho smiled in agreement.

"Our Angel..." Jaejoong added in awe, unconsciously trying to caress the small baby with his finger but ended up skipping to the next picture due to the sensitive touch screen. He laughed, already tearing up because he's just so so happy.


Finally. Yunho swallowed. He went and visit their little girl too because he's aware Jaejoong haven't grasp the whole information yet. Honestly, he wanted to keep her as a secret, only telling Jaejoong about her if she survived the night, but he'd learnt from experience already. He can't break anymore promise. Bracing himself, Yunho softly explained. "This is our baby girl... J, Love, you carried a pair of them all this time."

Jaejoong's mouth opened but nothing more.


"Twins?" Jaejoong murmured slowly, eyes fixed on Yunho as if daring him to lie. "Twins, Yunhoyah?"

"Yes." Yunho started tearing up too even as he chuckled at Jaejoong's disbelief. He doesn't want to hurt his beloved but he had to. "You carried twins... Can you believe it?" Firmly, he held on Jaejoong's hand with his free hand. "But our baby girl, she's not yet developed as well as her brother... That's why, we need to pray for her more..."

Jaejoong choked. "What's wrong with her?"

Everything, Yunho wanted to say that but couldn't bring himself to be so crude. "The Doctors said they need to help her more. Because... Her organs need more time to develop, to adapt and you know, to function on their own."

"Is that why..." Jaejoong trailed off but Yunho understood his thought clearly. In the picture, their baby girl was surrounded by so many tubes, wires and machines that she's barely visible. It's a complete contrast to their baby boy. In fact, despite being twins, he's almost half bigger compared to her.

"My baby... My poor little baby..." Jaejoong sobbed, clutching the phone to his chest as he accepted Yunho's hug. "What should we do...? Yunhoyah, our baby... Our poor baby... What should we do...?"

"We pray." Yunho comforted. "They're your babies, J. They're as strong as you are. You already surprised the Doctors... I'm sure our babies will surprise them too, right?"

Jaejoing nodded but he continued to weep silently.

JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now