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"Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

"Of course! Don't worry about me and enjoy your holiday, okay?"

"Okay then. Call me if there's anything. Take care and tell Yunho Hyung I said hi okay." His junior hugged him tightly and Jaejoong felt guilty for not telling Ryu Dam the truth. However, he can't say anything yet. Especially not when he haven't even told the father of his baby that they're expecting. They have to decide together.

"Okay... You take care too, okay? Sorry I can't send you off to the train station. Have a safe journey... Bye-bye."

"Bye Hyung! I hope you'll ace your finals! Fighting! Take care! Don't get sick again!"

With a smile, Jaejoong watched the taxi drove off. He'd been rooming with different people every semester but Ryu Dam was the one he felt most comfortable with. As the taxi disappeared from his sight, Jaejoong sighed and touched his stomach, turning over to look at his destination. It's now or never. He's already feeling better and the doctor had assured him the egg's already settled inside too. He had to come here. He had to do this now. Okay baby, let's go and see your Appa... Don't worry baby, I'm sure your Appa would love you. Jaejoong shuddered, the memory of what happened the last time he came still fresh in his mind. Be strong for Daddy, alright? Help Daddy forget...



"Just when I thought you at least still have your conscience! Fuck!" Yunho hissed the moment he opened the door. "Why the hell are you here?!"

It seemed like all the courage Jaejoong had disappeared that instant. He automatically looked down, unable to bear the menacing glare directed at him. "I- I-"

"What?! You regret not taking the money? Is that it?"

Jaejoong gasped with shock and disbelief. Hoping that Yunho would ask why he disappeared and didn't sit for their finals might be too much to ask for but Jaejoong never thought Yunho could be this cruel. What happened? His Yunho was cold but not an evil man. How could he said that? "Yunhoyah..."

"Don't freaking call my name damnit! A whore like you have no right!"

As if slapped, Jaejoong stumbled a step back. Eyes wide and hurt.

But Yunho was not done. The man scoffed. "As soon as I saw you through the intercom, I knew what you wanted. So don't worry. I already prepared it."

Jaejoong clutched his shirt before letting it go to try and sooth his suddenly taut stomach. It's okay baby, Daddy's okay. "I... What?"

A piece of paper was thrown to his face and fell to the floor.

"A blank cheque so you slut can put whatever your worth there. I'm not going to entertain you anymore after this so make sure you write down the highest value and cash it out. I'm sure it's nothing I can't buy anyway." Then, Yunho slammed the door close.

Jaejoong rubbed his stomach repeatedly in an effort to calm his body after Yunho's startling action. Trembling, he picked up the cheque and his eyes watered looking at Yunho's name and signature. He felt nauseous. Bitter. It must be a dream. It's just a dream.

With the cheque crumpled in his fist, Jaejoong dragged his feet to walk away. He can't tell him. If the man hate Jaejoong this much, isn't it obvious he'll hate the baby Jaejoong's carrying too? Thank goodness he didn't get to tell Yunho anything. It's okay baby, Daddy will protect you. Jaejoong found himself nodding at the thought. Of course he'll protect his baby. He knew what it's like to live alone, to live without parents. His baby won't ever feel that. Jaejoong would make him feel like he's the happiest child in the whole world even without Yunho by their side. You're not alone, baby. It's okay if your Appa doesn't want us, we still have each other, right? Smiling at the realization, Jaejoong kept his palm on his stomach. He must be strong for his child. You're Daddy's first priority now, you know that? We'll be happy. Just the two of us.

Jaejoong stopped on his track but didn't glance back. He closed his eyes and thought of his loved one's smiling face. It brought a pang to his heart. Yunhoyah, I don't know why you're so angry at me but I won't disturb you anymore. I'm sorry for everything. Yunhoyah... Goodbye.

JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now