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Jaejoong sneezed again, staining the small towel with his mucus that looked more like water than anything. He felt completely weak and horrible. Urgh. Even that small action made him more tired. It's been nine days since the incident with Yunho and six since he got the fever and flu. It was weird but he's not feeling any better.

"Jaejoong, you sure you don't want to see a doctor? You don't look good at all."

His roommate's worried tone made him feel bad. He forced himself to smile even though he can barely moved his dry and chapped lips. "Don't worry. I feel fine." Even his own voice sound foreign to him.

Ryu Dam merely stared at him. Anyone could easily see through the obvious lie.

"The finals starting next week and you have a paper on... Tuesday! Tuesday right?" The younger frowned. "You're lucky you got sick on study week. But what if you're still sick next week? You're not planning to take the exams like this, are you? Hyung, let's see a doctor. If you have the MC, the faculty will arrange for something. Maybe they'll let you take it later, when you're healthy."

Jaejoong closed his eyes. That's not a bad suggestion at all. In truth, he'd skipped a few lectures last week because he doesn't know what else to do after Yunho said he doesn't want to see him anymore. He's not worried about his attendance since there was only three lectures left for last Thursday and Friday and he's sure the Professors would only hold discussions for their upcoming examination anyway so Jaejoong don't regret anything. He only misses Yunho though; he missed the man so much he felt like dying, and this week's their study week too. The last six semesters, he'd spent them studying over at Yunho's luxurious house but this time...

Jaejoong shuddered. He missed Yunho so much but stepping into that house again... Jaejoong doubted he'll ever be able to do it.

Not after everything that happened there.

Not after everything I heard there.

"Hyung? Why are you crying? Where does it hurt?"

Jaejoong blinked and he felt hot tears streamed down his cheeks. My heart, he wanted to tell his junior but unable to voice it out. "I'm okay. It's just my eyes... My eyes feel a little hot."


"Dam, can you accompany me to see the doctor?" Even though he must abide to Yunho's wish, he can't just abandon his study like this. It's already his last year too. He have to think about the orphanage and everyone that's been counting on him. "You're right. I need the MC to apply to take the examination on a later date. But not today though... I can't really move my limbs yet."

"Of course you can't! You only eat that bland rice porridge every day this week! You drink so little too. It's a wonder how you can still sweat and sneeze non-stop."

Jaejoong chuckled. The sound hoarse and dry. "Hey hey. I'm fine, really."

"We're going tomorrow morning. If you can't move, I'll call your friends to help."

Jaejoong froze. "... No need to worry them. Everyone's busy preparing for the finals."

"Aish. Really hyung! It's outrageous! How come none of your friends checked on you? Even Yunho hyung! I thought he's your best-friend! I really can't believe it!"

Jaejoong smiled bitterly. He can't tell him the truth.

I ruined everything. He hate me... He hate me now. Maybe, he won't even care if I die.

Maybe... it's better if I just die... Right, Yunhoyah?

JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now