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As of any other recent mornings, the sound of his alarm and the incessant call of his name woke Yunho up.

He stretched and reached for his phone to turn the alarm off. Yawning, he turned his full focus to the undisturbed man sleeping beside him. Gently, he placed his ear on Jaejoong's chest.

Thump! Thump!

He smiled albeit a little sleepily and kissed the clothed skin. "Good morning J. Thank you." It's his newest habit, one he started doing since 57 days ago.

"... Mr Jung?"

Ah. He forgot about her again. "I'm awake Madam Go."

Quickly leaving the bed, Yunho made sure to kiss Jaejoong's forehead and went to grab his prepared clothes before he called out again. "You can come in Madam Go."

At the given permission, the private nurse he hired to take care of Jaejoong every day finally opened the door. She came in carrying the usual. "Mr Jung."

He nodded. Usually he'll help wash Jaejoong himself and then she'll change the IV drip but today he doesn't have the luxury. "I have a meeting in less than an hour so can you wash him today?" He asked in a tone that sounded more like an order instead of a request. As soon as she nodded, he quickly entered the bathroom trusting everything will be done perfectly.

After all, Madam Go had been chosen out of all the applicants for her excellent letter of recommendation as well as her flexible working hours and work scopes. Of course, he had to pay her handsomely but as long as his Jaejoong is well taken cared of and have dependable company throughout the hours Yunho can't be with him, he's fine with it.


"Thank you for this opportunity, Mr Jung."

"The pleasure's all mine, Mr Baek." Yunho shook the offered hand curtly without a smile on his face, a total contrast to his beaming business partner. He doesn't really like the man but the company's proposal was done the best and Yunho's not one to ignore the projected profit just because of his personal feelings.

"No need to keep the straight face anymore, Mr Jung. We're partners now."

Mr Baek's assisstant piqued in, half chuckling, much to Yunho's annoyance. He hate it when people try to act chummy with him and think he's easy to fool and manipulate. He doesn't trust people easily and after the recent happenings, found that his distrust is well placed after all. Unlike Jaejoong, everyone else would trample him any chance they get with or without his knowledge.

"I-" The sound of his phone stopped him from lashing out. Anger all forgotten and fully replaced with worry, he answered the call desperately hoping for a good news. His phone is always set on silent and the only caller it would specifically ring for is Madam Go.

"What happened?"

He must've taken her by surprise because it took a few seconds for her to respond.

"I'm sorry for disturbing your meeting Mr Jung but can you possibly come home now? Mr Kim's awake. I already called for the Doctor and-"

Yunho felt light-headed all of a sudden. It's as if he's stepping on clouds. He can't even hear the rest of her words. All that mattered to him was the fact that his Jaejoong is awake.

He's awake.


J, you came back.

Thank you. Thank you J...

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