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Still focused on drying Jaejoong's hair, Yunho merely hummed his response.




"Hmmmm?" Frowning, Yunho paused and looked at Jaejoong's reflection on the mirror. As expected, the man's staring at him. However, his beloved's smiling warmly so his worry considerably lessened. "Why?"

"Nothing, Yunhoyah... I suddenly felt like calling your name. Ahh I like calling you so much, Yunhoyah. Ahh, Yunhoyah Yunhoyah Yunhoyah Yunhoyah." Jaejoong beamed and he looked as radiant as ever despite his paling complexion.

Listening to Jaejoong's reverent calls and his blissful expression made Yunho feel like the luckiest person on Earth all over again. Unable to help himself, he threw the towel on the bed next to Jaejoong's patient gown before leaning down to kiss the man's cheek from behind. Then, he rested his chin on the man's naked shoulder and smiled back at their reflection. "My Jaejoong's so cute."

The man's smile became even brighter. "Yunhoyah."

"Yes, my Jaejoong?" Yunho whispered affectionately, turning his head slightly to kiss the man's cheek again.

Jaejoong giggled. "Yunhoyah."

"Yes, my love?" Still smiling, he kissed him again.


"Yes, my beloved?" Yunho rewarded the man another kiss again.

"Yunh- Akh! Oh! Oh!"

Yunho was immediately all over Jaejoong with worry. "J! What's wrong?"

Breathing laboriously, Jaejoong somehow manage to chuckle and pull him closer before placing his hand on the man's bump. Yunho felt it clearly but couldn't seem to use his brain to reason anymore because all he could think of was whether his beloved's in pain or not.

As if sensing his dilemma, Jaejoong managed a smile. "Nothing's wrong with Daddy, Appa." Slightly gasping still, Jaejoong gently pressed down on Yunho's hand. "It seemed like our Angel's really excited today."

Yunho heaved a sigh of relief at the explanation and slowly allowed himself to savour the moments. A smile appeared when he felt another kick. You're so active, aren't you? Again, another kick right below his palm. Though this time it was weaker than before, the fact that he felt the kick right after he thought about the baby made him chuckle. All worries temporarily forgotten.

The truth was, after the complication Jaejoong faced barely a month ago, Yunho find himself easily freaking out at every single thing. Who could blame him? The sight of Jaejoong bleeding and having seizures still haunt him until now. Especially because Jaejoong's already in his fifth month and his stomach's bigger than expected. Of course everything turned out to be okay thanks to the Doctors' effort but at the Doctor's suggestion, Jaejoong had agreed to be hospitalized ever since. The fact that they're in a world class hospital doesn't calm Yunho a bit though as he knew how risky Jaejoong's pregnancy truly is.

"See? Maybe our Angel's jealous because Daddy get to call Appa's name and have Appa's attention all to himself."

Yunho smiled, palming the stretched and dry skin with care as he gently caressed the bump. "Really? Angel is jealous?" His eyes widened when he felt another kick as if the baby's actually responding to his question. He looked up with wonder and noticed the subtle wince Jaejoong's wearing. He frowned. Leaning down, Yunho kissed the bump and whispered. "Be nice Angel. Don't kick Daddy so hard... Appa feel so bad for Daddy. Angel must have pity on your Daddy too, okay? Promise to stop kicking Daddy so hard?"

Jaejoong immediately slapped his shoulder, suddenly frantic and desperate. "Yunhoyah!"


"Why did you say that?! What if Angel's mad? What if Angel sulk and won't kick anymore?!" Jaejoong heaved with panic and continuously hit Yunho's shoulder.

"J?" It took a lot of effort to bring his beloved into his embrace but when he succeeded, the man clutched at his shirt and started to cry in earnest.

"Why did you say that? I want Angel to kick... I don't want Angel to stop. I want to feel... I want to feel Angel."

Yunho finally understood. He'd only asked their baby to be more understanding of Jaejoong's condition but he forgot how sensitive his Jaejoong is. "Oh J, I'm sorry Love. So sorry." The last time, Baby stopped kicking too... Unknowingly, we lost Baby just like that... "Angel knows I didn't mean it like that. Angel knows, J, Angel knows Daddy and Appa love their Angel so much. Angel won't leave us. Angel won't because Angel loves us so much too."

Jaejoong said nothing but he no longer sobbed pitifully. Yunho sighed, knowing he's not yet forgiven for his thoughtless words but at the very least, he managed to calm Jaejoong. Rubbing along the man's back soothingly, Yunho continued to whisper his apology.

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