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Doctor Lee smiled and slightly moved the stethoscope. After a brief silence, the man finally spoke. "Its secured and the heartbeat is very clear."

"Really?"  Jaejoong beamed beautifully, turning to look at Yunho with glistening eyes. Yunho couldn't even muster a smile. He's equally overwhelmed, if not more, than his Jaejoong.

"This is very normal during the seventh week; the heart's formed and started to beat. Its blood vessels are being developed too. Although it's probably still the size of a finger, I'm pleased to say its very healthy." Doctor Lee kept his stethoscope hanging on his neck as he turned his attention back to the couple.

Yunho cleared his throat. The topic of the growing baby is still a sore spot for him. He's happy, yes, of course, but he's also resentful. He simply cannot choose between the life of his loved one or the life of his loved one's only desire. Their baby. "Is there- Is there anything else we should know? Anything we should do?"

"Right now, there's nothing yet."

"But his skin." Yunho pointed out unnecessarily. He knew the doctor noticed the obvious change of Jaejoong's skin colour and condition but he wanted to know why the older man haven't said anything in regards of that. "His skin's darkened and there's some spots where they're peeling off."

Jaejoong took his hand and offered his words. "I experienced the same thing when I was pregnant with Baby last year... It's normal, right, Doctor? Is it normal?"

Yunho gripped Jaejoong's hand tighter, not liking the way Jaejoong's voice stuttered towards the end. Even though Jaejoong carried Baby for more than five months, he never knew much about the pregnancy and sadly so does Jaejoong. Jaejoong was too busy hiding from him and surviving that the man couldn't even afford to check his pregnancy regularly. And when Yunho did find him, he had stupidly thought it was okay to follow Jaejoong's wish of not going to the hospital until the seventh month. Guilt-ridden, Yunho looked back at their entwined hands and slowly found the courage to smile. The past is past. He can't change anything anymore so why bother? Even if it's hard, he'll stop beating himself up and instead focused on the present. His Jaejoong need him now more than ever and he won't fail him. Never again.

"Don't worry, it is very normal." The doctor smiled full of assurance at the both of them. "Mr Kim had secured the egg and now his body's changing rapidly to adapt to the embrio's growth. It's the hormones. The skin will continue to darken and getting peeled off for some time. Only after his body's fully settled that it'll stop changing."

Yunho frowned when the doctor turned his focus back to Jaejoong. What's wrong? His confusion was soon answered. "Mr Kim, have you started feeling nauseous? Morning sickness usually start around this time."

Jaejoong nodded understandingly. "I never experienced that. This time too, I don't experie-"

"He started vomiting when he smelled my perfume three days ago." Yunho cut in, remembering the episode clearly. "It's the same scent - musk and cinnamon - that I'd been using since high school but he said he couldn't stand it and I had to soak myself in lavender scented water to get rid of the smell. He only stopped puking after that."

Doctor Lee chuckled. "I take it you're no longer using the perfume?"

"Obviously." Yunho deadpanned. It was horrible witnessing Jaejoong puking nonstop like that. Especially if it's inadvertently caused by him. He couldn't bear being the cause of Jaejoong's sufferings again. Even if it's only a little expected misery due to the man's pregnancy.

"I chose his new perfume!" Jaejoong piqued excitedly. "It's fruity. Um. I prefer his natural smell though... He's better smelling like himself."

Yunho couldn't help his chuckle when Jaejoong coloured adorably. Jaejoong had been extremely clingy since a few weeks ago, always wanting to touch and smell him whenever they're together.

"From what I heard, it seemed like Mr Kim's fortunate enough not to experience the usual morning sickness. In fact, I believed his only happened when triggered by certain smell. You have to pay special attention to it then. His senses will get more sensitive with time. You have to be careful or it'll aggravate his condition even more."

Yunho solemnly nodded. "I will. Other than that? What else should we pay attention to?"

"To be honest, I don't know." The doctor admitted uncomfortably. "This level of high risk pregnancy rarely occurred and despite my experience, I'd never handled any case like it. But I'm still trying to contact my colleague from Africa and Switzerland who I believed could offer more insight on this matter. For now, since Mr Kim's very active and healthy, what I can say is there's nothing to worry yet. Mr Kim cannot miss any of his weekly appointments though in order fo us to monitor his condition better. As I said before, his body's condition will probably deteriorate as early as the twentieth week but we still have to be prepared in case his body started to lose its functions earlier than that."

Yunho doesn't know what to say.

Fortunately, his ever so optimistic Jaejoong, god he loves the man so much, does. Rubbing his thumb over Yunho's knuckle to ease the tension, Jaejoong responded calmly. "We understand. Don't worry, my Yunhoyah will accompany me for every appointment. He'll take care of us."

Yunho fervently hoped he could. At the very least, he wished to have Jaejoong's conviction that everything will be okay. Everything have to be okay. This time, everything have to be okay...

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