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"I didn't!"

"After what happened you think I'd still believe you?!"

Jaejoong trembled with fear despite his confusion and disbelief. This must be a nightmare. It had to be... It's okay. It's just a nightmare, Jaejoong.

"Yunhoyah..." He croaked out. Let's just eat and pretend nothing happened, please?

"Stop calling me like that!" The man roared as he punched the mirror next to Jaejoong, breathing harshly with eyes locked into Jaejoong's terrified ones. He wanted to look away but he can't, not when Yunho look so mad. But why?

"How could you?! How could you do this to me? I thought I could trust you!"

"Yunhoyah?" What did I do wrong? Why's Yunho saying all this now?

The man stalked away and screamed as he flung everything in his reach. "God damn it!"

"I... It's okay, Yunhoyah. I..."

"It's not okay! How could you take advantage of me like this?! This is not right Jaejoong! Did you plan all this? You did, didn't you? Shit! How could you do this to me?!"

Jaejoong froze. Surely he heard him wrong. "I... What...?"

Yunho suddenly started to laugh in derision. "You're just like everyone else! Of course! Everyone's a slave for money in the end. What makes you different?"

No no... That's not Yunhoyah's voice.

"So tell me slut, how much do you want me to pay?"

Oh no. Punch... I punched him. I punched him? "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I didn't... I'm sorry..." He stuttered, looking at his throbbing kunckle and Yunho's red cheek.

For a second after that, Jaejoong's not exactly sure what happened. Even though he acted like he's in good condition, his body's still hurting badly but it was only when he fell on his bottom and extreme pain shot up that he realized Yunho had just punched him back with all his strength. And spit... He spit on me?

"Worthless whore! How dare you!"

Jaejoong blinked. Suddenly he heard the sound of drawers being pulled open and slammed close. Then, countless notes of money was thrown at him.

"That's what your kind want, right? Take them! Take anything you want! I'm feeling generous right now but I don't want to see you here when I return later. In fact, I never want to see your face again. Understand?" Yunho sneered and left the room. No... Yunho left the house because he couldn't stand Jaejoong.

But what did I do wrong?

Jaejoong found himself biting his lips, holding his sobs and using his right hand to hit on his chest repeatedly. Why does it hurt so much?

Perhaps I shouldn't stay and prepare breakfast after what happened?

Why couldn't he breathe properly? Why?

Perhaps I shouldn't smile and pretend I was fine this morning?

Jaejoong whimpered and gasped. What just happened?

Perhaps I shouldn't let him kiss and take me last night?

It was stupid. Of course Yunho's mad. He's not Hana...

Perhaps I shouldn't come here and drink with him at all?

Jaejoong screamed.

Perhaps I shouldn't care and love him from the beginning?



When his tears dried out, Jaejoong finally left the apartment. He limped all the way home with empty hand and dead eyes.

This time, Jaejoong couldn't even save a piece of his broken heart. They're all shattered beyond repair, just like him.


JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now