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"So there's nothing I can do?" Yunho murmured dejectedly at the confirmation, gripping the phone tighter as his eyes took in the sight of Jaejoong being crowded by cheerful children. "Alright. I'll bring him for the test next week. If... If he's carrying, I'll tell him everything. Maybe he'll understand... Maybe he'll agree to abort."

But Yunho knew the man won't. His Jaejoong, his gentle and loving Jaejoong, won't have it in him to do it even if it's his life that's at risk.

Even if he knew Yunho would probably die with him should anything happen to him again.

"Thank you Doctor. Goodbye."

He ended the call and kept staring at the bittersweet scene in front of him. If only he treated Jaejoong right, perhaps their baby would still be alive right now and he'll be the happiest man alive instead of feeling anxious of Jaejoong's possible conception. However, there's no use crying over spilled milk. At least J's okay now... Even after all they'd been through, Yunho had never seen the man happier.

The newly built playground was only possible with his money, a donation in the name of his beloved, and Yunho could not regret his decision at all even though they got into a little argument last night after Jaejoong found out the exact amount he'd donated every month since late last year. He knew Jaejoong's thankful as much as he's aware that the man was actually worried about other people's perception. Honestly, Yunho doesn't give a damn and in time, Jaejoong won't too. He'll accept that this is just another way of Yunho loving him.

"Playing with the kids, he's like sunshine."

Yunho agreed.

"Why don't you join him?"

"Maybe later. I still want to watch them."

"Ah." The Headmistress took a seat on the bench, smiling at the scene in front of them. "I can't believe I live long enough to see Kim Jaejoong playing around with the other kids. He used to be so detached from the rest of the kids. Nobody ever got to enjoy his presence like this before."

"Oh really?" Yunho knew how quiet and shy Jaejoong can be but he wasn't aware the man did't know how to have fun with his peers as children. He didn't realize Jaejoong had always been alone like that. Lonely.

"He's an oddball. Never in the bad way, of course. Always staring and looking. He probably knew the kids better than I did but he kept a wall around himself and nobody could get in."

The earnest, motherly kind of smile flustered Yunho to the point that he couldn't think of anything to say. Despite his constant donation, he never actually set foot here. He didn't know how warm the Headmistress could be. There was no air of pretence at all.

"But you changed that. He let you in... Although I can't say I'm not disappointed that he had to drop out, I'm really happy that he found his happiness... I'm really glad that he found you."


"Take care of him."

Yunho found himself choked with emotion and blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "But what if I can't?"

She raised her eyebrows, as if challenging him to explain, but he can't. How can he?

She shook her head. "You can. Just do your best. That's all. Leave the rest to him. Our Jaejoong is not that weak, trust me. He can take care of himself - and you too, just so you know - but he'll need his reason." She smiled, standing up and getting ready to leave before looking straight into Yunho's eyes. "I have a feeling you can be a good enough reason, Yunhoshii. I think, he can do anything for you. Have faith in him. If it's for you, even miracle is possible to him. "

JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now