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Despite being careful, Yunho couldn't help the slight force he exerted when he stopped the wheelchair and locked it in place. The sudden movement possibly pressured Jaejoong's injury a little more than bearable because the man actually whimpered out loud with his eyes tightly closed and brows furrowed.

"Okay?" Yunho couldn't contain his worry as he watched his beloved wincing in pain.

After calming down from his little breakdown earlier, Jaejoong had flatly refused to be left behind, insisting that he's either taken to their baby girl or her to him. If he really had to let her go, he'd wanted to be there and accompany her during her last minutes. Even the doctors couldn't reason with him after that despite the man's condition - which for some odd reason made Yunho want to smile - especially when Jaejoong actually threatened to sue the hospital for separating a dying child from her mother thus here they are now.

"I'm okay. Just a little sore."

Yunho nodded. He knew it's more than just a little soreness but he also knew better than to fuss over Jaejoong now. Right now, his concern won't be appreciated at all.

"I'm going to remove the tubes and wires." The nurse that followed them quietly informed as she slowly and carefully worked on the task.

Yunho immediately went and stood behind Jaejoong's wheelchair, placing his hands on each side of Jaejoong's shoulders as they watched their tiny baby girl barely breathing even with the help of machines. She looked so exhausted and in so much pain that Yunho felt like dying himself.

Although he'd tried his best to coax Jaejoong before, it is only now that he truly felt like it's right for them to let her be.

If living is that hard for her, then okay, we'll understand. It pain us to say goodbye but we understand... We won't force her anymore. We only want the best for her... We won't- We can't possibly hate her if she can't be with us

Of course it hurts but they'd agreed to leave it to fate now.

To let God decide.

To let their little girl choose on her own.

No matter what happen, they'll accept it. Even if it'll probably break their heart, they'll still be grateful and love her nonetheless. Dead or alive, they'll never forget her. Like Baby.

"Mr Jung."

Yunho slightly turned and smiled a sad smile when the nurse that went to get their little boy arrived. Today, their boy has improved significantly. As if knowing he might have to say goodbye to his little sister, the baby had shown remarkable improvement so much so that he no longer need to be incubated as he can relatively adapt on his own already. As for now, all the doctors are in agreement that he's healthy for his condition. So that's why when Jaejoong asked if their son can be here with their daughter, possibly for the last time, the doctors agreed.

"Careful." The nurse said as Yunho awkwardly hold him in his arms. It's his first time holding anything as fragile and as beautiful as a baby. He never knew how humbling the experience would make him feel. It's unbelievable how he's as nervous as much as he's in awe about it. Overwhelmed with emotion, he blinked his tears away as Jaejoong look up with a fond smile. However, that's when the older nurse called for his beloved's attention and the smile instantly vanished from his face. There, in her hands, was their little baby girl. Without all those wires and tubes, her red and raw skin was even more obvious.

Yunho choked seeing how she actually fit in the nurse's hands.

She's really too small.

"My poor baby..." Jaejoong crooned, already sobbing again as he took her from the nurse.

JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now