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Yunho's still trying to assure himself that everything's fine when the door opened and out came a doctor and a female nurse. Just the two. Followed by no one else. Especially not his Jaejoong. The ICU light's still on and Yunho can't help but dread the worst. All the negative possibility's instantly overwhelming him and he staggered to his feet. He knew he's nowhere calm enough to be able to comprehend any information properly but the need to know about Jaejoong's condition made him ask nonetheless. Leo's right. He can't lose it here when Jaejoong's still fighting in there. He can't give up yet.

"How is he? What happened?"

"Mr Jung." Another nurse appeared out of nowhere, suddenly showing him a paper.

Yunho frowned, staring at the paper blankly as Doctor Lee started talking. "We need to have your agreement to do what we must do, Mr Jung. Mr Kim's condition is very delicate right now. We barely managed to stabilise him but we need to perform the surgery now."

Thank God, at least he's stable now. But... "What do you mean?" Yunho doesn't understand a thing. They already discussed about this, didn't they? He'd given his verbal and written permission for them to do whatever they can to save Jaejoong. Anything at all. In fact, if they had to choose, he'd already instructed them to pick Jaejoong. Was he not clear enough with his words? Why are they wasting precious time talking to him about this? They should be in there saving Jaejoong's life right now. "I-"

"Mr Kim's carrying twins."

Wide-eyed, Yunho almost toppled to the floor for the second time that day had someone not hold him from behind.

It was Leo.

He didn't know when the man returned, having told Leo to go and have his breakfast first earlier, but he was glad for the support because he really need it now. "T- Twins?" He stuttered his shock. But that can't be! Jaejoong's pregnancy was risky enough on its own... And he's carrying two of them? How could he? Feeling terribly faint, Yunho had to sit down.

"Yes. That's why I need to ask you again, Mr Jung. We'll try our best to save the three but if we had to choose, would you want us to save Mr Kim or the twins? One of the babies are too small and might not make it if we don't get it out first but it's difficult to do unless we take the other one out first. However, we worry that Mr Kim might not be able to hold on for that long." 

So it's two life against one. Yunho's eyes closed. He's tired. Hurt. Pained. However, it doesn't change a thing. Fpr him, there's nothing to ponder. There's simply no time to waste.

"I need him." He softly said, taking the offered pen and immediately signing the agreement. "Please... Save my Jaejoong."

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