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"How about this one, Yunhoyah?"

As soon as he realized which clothing on the screen that Jaejoong was referring to, Yunho raised an eyebrow. "Sure, J?"

Jaejoong huffed, causing Yunho to chuckle and kiss his nose adoringly."You're so cute."

Obviously flustered, even after all this time, Jaejoong tried to look flippant as he stubbornly tried to keep his glare. "What's wrong with that shirt, huh, Yunhoyah?"

"It's heavy." Yunho responded in kind, very much experienced in dealing with Jaejoong's mood now. It helps that the man's pregnancy doesn't change him that much. "Look at the weight of the product, Love. Let me." Touching the screen to enlarge it a little, he pointed at the small description below the picture. He's being very patient because he understood that Jaejoong was never a fan of online shopping before and obviously he's not that experienced.

"Oh. I didn't notice that. Then that's a no, no. If it's that heavy, it's going to be really hot. Haish, I'm already feeling hot enough." His Jaejoong pouted, immediately closing the tab and choosing another to scroll through the other choices.

Yunho kept his mouth shut at the familiar remark. They'd been warned about Jaejoong's general increase in temperature along his pregnancy in which Jaejoong had started to feel the past few days. It's bothering Jaejoong so much that he started not wearing clothes in the house nowadays. Actually, Yunho suspected it's also because the man doesn't like to wear his purchases. Ever since Jaejoong's weight increased and his old clothes no longer comfortable to wear, Yunho had practically went and bought all kinds of clothes suggested by the m-preg specialist. How was I supposed to know they would all end up donated anyway?

Anyway, Yunho had tried to talk Jaejoong to use the aircond but the man claimed it made him uncomfortable and he can't breathe so Yunho never said anything about that again. Seeing an-almost-naked-Jaejoong all the time was definitely awkward not only for him and Jaejoong but also for Mrs Go, he's sure, but she had brushed it off kindly considering Yunho had re-hired her triple her previous salary. However, since it's Saturday night and Yunho's free to accompany him, Jaejoong's all but determined to find comfortable clothes that would actually fit him. Right now though, there's only about a dozen of various clothing item in the cart. It seemed like Jaejoong's really peculiar in choosing his clothes and Yunho's slowly getting sleepy waiting for the man to finish shopping. Despite his exhaustion though, he couldn't help his forming grin. He's so helplessly in love as he remembered everything that happened since his Jaejoong's pregnancy. For some reason, despite tiring him and confusing him the whole time, they made him happy too. That's why he'd decided to take it one step at a time and not worry for the inevitable yet.

His Jaejoong deserve that.

Their baby deserve that.

"Why are you smiling?"

Yunho shook his head, still wearing the amused smile. "Nothing."

Jaejoong actually frowned and bit his lips. "Yunhoyah... No more secret, remember?"

Yunho chuckled. "Okay, okay..." He leaned forward to playfully bite Jaejoong's cheek before kissing the spot. "To be honest, I was just thinking about everything that happened this three months. Can you believe it's three months now?" Yunho asked, stroking Jaejoong's bare stomach that's only slightly larger than an orange. "I thought I would only feel scared and worried but your pregnancy actually pleased me too... You make me so grateful and happy, you know?" Kissing the man's bump, he looked up with tears in his eyes. "Thank you, Love. I love you."

"Your welcome." Jaejoong easily replied, smiling wide. "And of course you have to love me. I'm 85 kilo already. Urgh. I don't think I'll get to go back weighing 63 even after the baby's born. Yunhoyah, you have to love me more the more weight I gain, okay? Promise?"

Yunho nodded, fully aware of Jaejoong's refusal to even entertain the other possibility. I know you will be okay. Our baby will be okay too. Because you promised. And I believe you. Suddenly aware of Jaejoong's awaiting finger - pinky promise again huh? - Yunho burst out laughing, stopping short when he noticed something as his beloved joined in the laughter. Grabbing the glass of water and small basin placed on the nearby table, Yunho nodded to his Jaejoong who immediately understood. Your gum's bleeding again, Love. The man took the glass of water and drank a little, rinsing his mouth with it before spitting into the basin Yunho held near to his mouth. He repeated the process for two more times before opening his mouth for inspection. Putting the small basin back on the table, Yunho took the box of tissue instead and shook his head.

"No more blood?"

Yunho nodded, patiently wiping and patting Jaejoong's mouth.

"I can still taste it though?"

"Maybe you swallowed some? Ah, my Jaejoong's becoming a vampire! No wonder he's looking more ethereal every single day."

Yunho's actually embarrassed too after saying such cheesy line that he could feel heat on his face but his beloved... His Jaejoong blushed so red Yunho just started laughing all over again, heart unbelievably full with adoration and not knowing what else to do. God I love you, I love you so much Kim Jaejoong. My precious Love, don't you ever leave me. I love you.

JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now