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"Jung Jiho! Jung Jihyo!" Jaejoong all but screeched in shock at the sight that greeted him as soon as he entered the living room. "What are you two doing?!"

"Papa!" Their youngest piqued happily, waving with stumps of crayons in her hands, as if unaware of the slight heart attack they just caused their father. "Look, Papa! Pretty!"

Jaejoong blinked.

Apparently, pretty meant something like dozens of colours randomly mixed on the wall. He winced at the fact that it'll probably take a few hours to clean up even with some help. Inhaling and exhaling a few times, he make sure he's calm enough when he ask. "Where's Appa?"

"Appa?" Jiho giggled and Jaejoong's honestly prepared for the worst.

He'd been bed-ridden for the past three days with a terrible fever and flu, forcing him to avoid the twins in fear of infecting any of them with it. Which also meant he couldn't spend as much time with his Yunhoyah as well considering the man had volunteered to take care of their mischievous twins all by himself.

They never make it a habit to leave their twins under someone else's care for long unless it's really really necessary.

And no, they're not like those extremely protective parents who couldn't trust their kids with other people.

It's just that they treasure their time with the twins and would rather be there with their precious children.

"Appa sleep, Papa." The oldest twin giggled, pointing to the position of said father.

Jaejoong felt his heart melt at the scrunched up face of his husband, coiled just slightly behind the sofa. He looked as if he aged years yet he never looked better. My Yunho...

"Shhhh. Appa sleep."

Jaejoong shook his head at their oldest's antics. Too late for that, Jiho.

Jaejoong schooled his features, trying his best to look frustrated as Yunho woke up with a start. "J, Darling? Why are you here?"

"Look at the walls."

Yunho groaned. Muttering a few curses under his breath, he tried to smile. "Uh... We'll repaint?"

JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now