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Yunho's usually happy if he could hear his beloved's laughter even at the cost of embarrassing himself but right now, he's just so terrified he's actually a little disappointed that Jaejoong was laughing at him.

"J..." He whined, gently cradling the baby girl away from the small tub filled with running water. She's all relaxed and obedient now but who can guarantee she'll stay that way as soon as he put her in that water? He's scared. "What if I drowned our little princess?"

"Mr Jung, I assure you that will not happen." Mrs Go smiled from the side. "I'm here, aren't I? I will definitely not let you drown your girl."


"There's nothing to worry about, Mr Jung. In fact, do you know babies are actually more comfortable with water than anything? Especially running water. Fluid reminds them the familiar condition of the womb and the rushing sound is akin to the noisy surrounding they're accustomed to. I assure you, they will enjoy their bath."

"Really?" Jaejoong sounded genuinely awestruck but Yunho couldn't blame him. He's in awe too. Although it had taken them almost three months to be able to bring their babies home, this is still the first time they're going to bathe their babies by themselves. In their own home. During the babies long stay at the hospital, that had been the nurses' duty.

"They really like water?" Yunho inquired just to make sure.

"Yes, Mr Jung. Now, could we please start?"

"Yes, Mrs Go." It was Jaejoong who responded. If Yunho was holding their baby girl, Jaejoong was holding their baby boy in his arms. Both slightly dozing off peacefully. Mrs Go had convinced them earlier it's better to bathe the twin together as they'll feel more relaxed and safe. A theory that's about to be tested soon. "Yunhoyah, you can do it. We can do it."

Yunho took a deep breath and nodded.

"Let me check the temperature again." Standing in the middle, Mrs Go dipped her hand into the water and smiled. "Just nice. Now, let's start with the brother first? Mr Kim?"

"Yes?" Jaejoong slightly stiffened.

"Don't be too stiff." She chuckled encouragingly when Jaejoong squeaked out an apology. "Make sure you're holding him securely in your hands, alright?"

"Yes,of course. Ready baby boy?"

"Now, Mr Kim, gently lower him into the water. You want to ease him into it so take it slow. You can slosh the water around while you're at it. That's right, legs first, slowly, up to his chest, just below his chin. Make sure you support his head and that no water's entering his ears. That's good. Very good."

Yunho watched transfixed at how effortless his Jaejoong's actions seemed to be. Their baby boy wasn't even startled.

"Your turn now, Mr Jung."


"Yunhoyah, it's okay. You can do it."

"Okay." Taking a deep breath, Yunho started the task at hand. "Slowly, slowly... Slowly..." He muttered under his breath, carefully lowering the baby into the water next to her brother." It seemed to take forever but finally it's done. And to his relief, she's just as quiet and calm as she was before. "Good job, little princess. And you too, little prince. Good job."

"You can rest their body against the tub now. You'll only need one hand to secure the head and you can use the other to wash them. Like this." She demonstrated what she meant by sloshing the water gently against the babies and caressing them with firm but gentle touches. "See? That's how you clean and bathe babies."

"She likes it, Yunhoyah!" Jaejoong suddenly whispered reverently. "Look at Jihyo, she's smiling, Yunhoyah. She's smiling, right?"

Just as Yunho was about to answer him that yes, their little princess is in fact smiling, their little prince started scrunching his face and then Jiho started gurgling happily. He's soon followed by his sister.

"Aww, they're so adorable... Aren't they, Yunhoyah?" Jaejoong was choking up now and Yunho felt the same. Especially when Jiho turned to nuzzle his sister and Jihyo actually landed her tiny fist on her brother's chest. They continued gurgling and moving around each other, totally at ease in the water.

"Aren't they precious?" Mrs Go offered and neither Yunho nor Jaejoong found any need to reply.

JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now